2 hour commute twice a week

Shortest time was 50 min during winter break, average was 2 hours a day. Although, when I did commute on public transit the trains were messed up about 80% of the time, which was very frustrating (South West Trains! Today it took me 8 minutes to get to work. Nothing beats an Albuquerque commute! I lived in Orange County a couple of decades ago, and your commute sounds like then-current reality. Reearch isnt reality. I lived in hollywood, worked in Brentwood. As someone who grew in Rural Washington, I completely understand! It was horrible. Ahhh!!! But the real question is it something you can do? Enjoy! However if youre going to go down that route Id get something written into your contract specifying thats its 1 day per week. As someone who just put an offer at $80,000 over asking on house that would be 5 mins from my partners work, I feel personally attacked, yet so validated, by this equation. I used to have a 45 minute commute, which was absolutely unheard of for Ogden at the time. Im in content marketing and would love to work for a beauty company but I own a house in rural New England and the city lifes not for me. BUT when I first moved here I lived in West L.A. and worked in Seal Beach and yeah it was 1 1/2 ish I got used to it and did audio books, called family liked my Grandma, tried to carpool when I could, etc. Good point about the roads! OP, depending on where youre living (sounds like maybe OC? 91 to 605 to 7th st. so long as Im actually moving. Los Angeles here. My 1.5-2 hour commute (each way) to drive a little over 10 miles was one of the reasons I had to leave that city. Not that Im saying that there hasnt historically been white flight but it happens in pockets instead of concentric circles. For me the cost of living is a trade off I am willing to take to not spend my life commuting. how much social media use at work is too much? I had a 90-minute-each-way commute once (public transportation had to take two trains and a bus. In my area, two hours is definitely not normal; however, for the people a little further south of me that commute to NYC, its definitely not unusual. Yeah, I never minded the train rides from NJ to New York. If this job allows you the finances/time to travel, do things you love then its something you have to take into account. Id say your 2 hours commute is definitely on the LONG end for LA commutes, but its also not out of the ordinary, considering how bad our traffic is. On a snow day when schools were closed, i was looking at 2.5-3 hrs. This was in the dark ages before there was a metro. I remember interviewing in the Bay Area about seven years ago, and scouting potential living situations on the Peninsula, and found the worlds most amazing cottage in Pacifica. UGH, have lived in the valley, 0/10, would not repeat. Yes, for LA (and the SF Bay Area), that is indeed common. HOUSTON (AP) A former suburban Houston police officer was set to be executed Tuesday for hiring two people to kill his estranged wife nearly 30 years ago. The lane changes are especially frustrating and bottlenecking, especially when youve got lots of trucks on the road (e.g., the I-5/110 junction). Right? I moved out of state and ended up driving anywhere from 35 90 minutes one way to work, depending on traffic, what time I left, and if there was a fender bender on the one highway I could feasibly take to my job. (?). I might be spoiled, but I have too much to do to spend half my day in the car. I got lucky in that I live in Dublin city centre and also work there. But its much more relaxing than driving from Toronto to Barrie. Even better, though, is riding my bike to workthen I dont have to go to the gym before or after. 2 hour commute twice a week; 2 hour commute twice a week. I have a friend whose BF was attacked and nearly beaten to death on one of the metro rail lines, but it was awhile back and I dont remember which one. Meaning that a small problem of some kind can bump travel time way, way up and you never know. For people unfamiliar with the area, the SFV is northwest of LA (Los Angeles) while the SGV is northeast of LA. That was one train ride with a walk on both ends. I know some people that do 1-1.5 hour commutes from outlaying rural areas into my city to work; employment options are scarce in really tiny towns and until they have another oil boom they wont get anything for their house. I could leave at a certain time and usually expect that everything would work out, but sometimes the world said Nah, lets make a car careen off the road today.. So I commute 50 miles and it takes 2 hrs+. My commute to work takes about 30 minutes but going home takes about 45. Exactly. Buses all the way. Im work in Milwaukee and live in the suburbs. I tell people the car I drive is not nearly nice enough to want to spend a significant portion of my life in it! If public transportation was an option, I think itd be reasonable too. A lot of people do drive to metro stations, park, and ride the train, but metro has been hiking fares and cutting hours for years. Same situation at my last job, too. I really hope I never have to drive to work. Audiobooks keep my sanity. my commute is between 6.5 and 9 miles depending on the route and takes at least 30 minutes. Your response seems fairly normal (and not at all stupid!) Public transportation, except for BART (and even BART), is not fast in the Bay Area. . An entire day! My commute is about an hour, but can be an hour and a half if things arent going my way. Perhaps this has been suggested already, but can you move closer to your job? Like most long commuters, my drive home was the worst and one little fender bender could tack another hour on my drive. Totally do-able (especially when I worked east of Sepulveda and took Laurel Canyon). The commute from north/south might be different. My commute is 20 minutes in the morning and 25-30 in the evenings. I lived and worked in L.A. in the 80s, and I spent 60 minutes driving each way. It surprises me a bit that you didnt encounter people with bad commutes in New York. And of course the more high-paying tech jobs are added there, the higher the demand for housing there is. I live in NE LA and work in North Hollywood, which is about 17 miles and usually takes between 30-45 minutes. I would say 45 min-1 hr is normal. 20-30 minutes is averagefor 7 1/2 miles! He mostly works an 11am-7pm schedule so his commute is only 45 min. Thats ridiculous, seriously thats 20 hours a week driving. I was used to doing drop off and pick up from day care and I couldnt do that anymore. stereotype or not, i wont live in the midwest. He commuted from Chester County to Manhattan by train. My wife had a 90-120 minute commute for a year and change and it was almost unbearable. 710 is usually fine. Day. Radio gets old real quick. It might take a little more effort to work it out, but it absolutely can be done. Thatd be an increase of 1500/month vs what were paying for our house here (so 18,000 a year difference in housing cost, plus the fact you dont get equity). Ha ha. I moved closer to the city and managed to cut the commute down to about an hour but then bit the bullet and moved into NYC where I now walk to work. (I mean, you can also take the Sepulveda pass but nobody does). Honestly, my hackles go up when one person says I feel this way/have this opinion and another person tells them, well, its NOT NORMAL to feel that way/have that opinion. I choose to live near my social life instead of near work, but its definitely rough. I would be so thrilled if public transit was ever an option! I could walk from my place to work if I wanted, which is very convenient. Our combined household income was about 60k; according to sperlings COL calculator itd need to be about 150k to get the same QOL in SF. Stop arguing with your boyfriend. But to alleviate his stress levels, its worth it to us to move to a location that will shorten and ease his commute. I used to live in Santa Clara and commuted 11 miles to Mountain View- 55 minute drive. Public transportation is only a viable option if you work downtown. Best of luck in finding a solution! But theyll pretty much all be crowded. Employer est. OP, Im older than you by 20, so let me share my thoughts on a long commute. on a good day 15 mins. My thought being, whats the point of living somewhere nice if youre not home enough to enjoy it? I put up with my commute because my previous local job was incredibly toxic and I feel incredibly grateful to have found a workplace where I and my role are respected and valued, and I have opportunities for progression and professional development. I second the comments about working LB, Signal Hill or Orange County. I do think its more about what works for you than what the norm in your region is. My job is 6.2 miles away from home exactly a 10K. Not as long as your commute, but still longer than what I am used to. Cross-London commuting SUCKS. I had a 15-minute commute for 11 years. When I moved from the south to the Boston area, I traded a 35 minute driving commute for a 35 minute walking commute (shorter on a bus, but I like the walk whenever it was >15 degrees and not raining). Leaving work it is a bit longer because my shuttle only runs every 30 minutes, so I usually have to wait a bit. So its really just not a place for people who struggle with patience with that sort of thing. Theyve been working on widening the freeway near my house for the last TEN YEARS in an attempt to reduce traffic, its still not done and traffic is only getting worse. Im Canadian. But sadly, its the norm for a lot of people in the metro areas. You are crossing the ENTIRE LA metropolitan area no matter how you cut it. I hope that youre able to find another job with a more manageable commute! I live in Brooklyn and work on the Upper West Side. More time to read & crochet. Local transit (MUNI) is less reliable/more variable (although I loved being able to take AC Transits transbay busedbest commute, ever). Im running out of podcasts to binge. Its the only way we can still afford it, but we dont want to move farther away because 1) my kids school is fantastic, and we want to stay in this district, and 2) my commute is really good, and Ive done the horrid commute before. Its also not healthy for ANYONE, even for those who supposedly dont mind it. haha). My former job was less than 12 mi. A good rule-of-thumb for LA is every 10 miles will take roughly 30-45 minutes of travel time. When I was really tired, even audiobooks and nuts couldnt keep me awake. I think the longest commute anyone I know has had was my cousins husband who used to travel ~60 miles to and from work every day and spend over 3 hours each way. I was going to suggest you try driving to your parents once a week but that's not really possible at the moment. I was born and raised just outside of Toronto and with the exception of a 3 year stint working in Los Angeles I have lived here my whole life. It turned what used to be a 2-hour commute for me to an hours drive. Maybe some TV but I would be way to exhausted to make any enjoyable use of my evenings. It would help if you had cruise control and/or an auto gearbox. I have been working at home for over 5 years now and cannot imagine going back to a job I had to commute to. Personally, I changed jobs recently due to my commute. My door-to-door commute, which includes two different subway lines, is between 75-90 minutes depending on how the trains are running. And I thought my one hour commute one way was bad (it can be 1.5 hours on a really bad day). I make the most out of my commute today by listening to podcasts, and it doesnt bug me at all, but when I moved here from the Midwest (where I had a 7 minute commute), I absolutely *hated* my commute every day. My commute in Philly was like that. Yes it goes through those neighborhoods but I never once felt threatened or scared or anything. Good luck! Native Los Angelino here, Im SUPER LUCKY that I only have a 40 minute (12 mile) commute. Thats where I hope OP and her boyfriend will end up in the long term, but knowing whats normal in a region and what actually isnt is a useful bit of information. The commute is one of my top criteria in deciding whether or not to take a job. This is one of the major reasons (along with housing prices) that I refuse to live in places like LA, Atlanta, Dallas, etc., places with horrendous traffic and poor public transportation. I hope you find the perfect combination. My husband works in construction so he has to go wherever the job site is, that varies from 10 minutes to 90 minutes, sometimes via the freeway and sometimes not. A survivor of a 2-2.5 hour one-way commute who has sworn off long commutes ever since. At least its sunny most of the time. I moved apartments as soon as I could and cut it down to a ten-minute drive. The LW is well within their reason to search for another job or another place to live. Cant beat the scenery and the ocean air. I did that for 10 years. By . For a while, my work commute was about 3 minutes, which was nice, but that was when I was living in Ogden, and commuting to Salt Lake for school, and I hit rush hour going to school, so it was a lot worse. I like my job a LOT less, but I have my sanity back. Long Beach to West Hollywood seems absolutely insane to me (WeHo is bad enough on its own traffic-wise without the added commute). I'd appreciate any first-hand accounts of what the commute is like if someone has done it :). For a couple of years I drove from the Hampshire coast to Bristol Monday morning, stayed in digs, drove home again on Friday evening. My commute is roughly 3 hours round trip for 35 miles (one-way). (3) I have a boss who understand this and is reasonably flexible with me which I was only able to really get to after working for a little while. A police officer happened to be going by them in the turn lane, and they got pulled over since the guys foot kept slipping off the brakes and almost hit the car ahead of him. What can you sustain long term without living in misery? I still miss Shaw, but I figure once I graduate (! I loved my neighborhood when I first moved to DCI was near Shaw, and it was amazing: I was right across the street from a great bar, cool restaurants in easy walking distance, and I loved the architecture. There are a lot of people selling stuff, panhandling, or just riding the trains to get off the streets. and some of the back roads are in run-down or sketchy areas, depending on which part of LA youre in. Can you carpool with anyone so that some days you can relax? This one doesn't sound like it is. Maybe a little more would be okay, but two hours, no way. Hes not wrong though. Mine is 35-45 minutes by public transport, and thats about my limit. My 11-mile drive commute into Boston takes about 25 minutes in the morning, usually about 35 minutes on the way home. For me, my 52 minute commute was extended to 1 hour 15 minutes anytime school was in session. Luckily I was able to convert to remote worker status and avoid the whole mess entirely. (Also no left turns! And Id take a longer drive on residential side streets over a shorter one on the highway. These are all contributing factors in why traffic is so bad in LA. Preach! Depending on where LW lives and works, its likely that there arent direct routes AND that even if there were, it could increase commuting time by an hour (easily). Home by 7-8PM Did you regularly see a raccoon fighting a snake over the squirrel the snake was eating while a dear just happened to walk by? Yes 30 miles is too far for a daily cycle commute. The only saving grace was that a lot of this commute was by public transport (Europe is amazing), so on my morning 1.5-hr bus ride Id sleep, and on my evening 1.5-hr bus ride Id read. Theres the official Commuter Express routes run by LADOT, but many of the far-flung suburbs have a special express bus service to get people to LA (Foothill Transit comes to mind). I used to have that. What kind of life is that? Yes, this. I think thats what trapped me into taking the job. Im a young woman who commuted from OC to LA for years via the metro in my early 20s. In theory, you can have densely packed cars drive. If he doesnt know any different, it wont seem that bad. The last time I was in Eastern Cali was going to Reno during Obamas first run and Prop 8Ive never wanted out of somewhere so bad and I was just passing through. Not that 3 hours as opposed to 4-5 is that much better. It was ridiculous; I stuck it out until I was able to transfer closer a couple years ago. Im in Chicago. Get horror and comedy with My Favorite Murder! And if your car breaks down, it's gonna be a difficult and lengthy public transport commute to work. DC area here. I dont mind driving 35 to 40 minutes for work, but I absolutely hate SITTING in traffic for that amount of time. Heh. My boss now lives in Whittier, his commute is AT LEAST 2 hours on a good day. When the commute impacts your quality of life its definitely time to think of solutions. My car is 19 years old with over 100k miles, but still runs great because its been mostly long drives with not a lot of stop & go. In my line of work, there are not many opportunities closer to my house and if there are, the pay would not be nearly what it is in the city. Theres also a direct bus route that gets me there in about 45 minutes. Anyway, it is Very Uncool of him to hear your frustration and stress and downplay it like that. It is working for us because most of the commute is on public transit. My husband is job hunting, and everything he sees is either in Orange County or on the West Side (were in the East Valley). Public transit is not that amazing, especially if you are outside the city core. I do all my decompressing in my car and I drive 45 minutes out of my way to shop in peace as well, so Im just a big ol crazy pants wanderer. When I was a kid my grandpa had a ranch in Mariposa, and Merced was the closest city (and it was a boondocks city back then!). Id rather do cool stuff in my time off and take a pay cut. I used to commute from Jersey City to Western NJ (about an hour on insane roads) and once I moved to CT my commute went down to about 5 minutes. I can vouch for there being less traffic at 5 am but Ive driven emptier highways at midday around other cities. Peak hours? Reverso Context: Twice a week, I would commute to school for an hour and pick up the packet of lecture notes from the past few days.-"and pick up the packet" No matter how I adjusted it was still awful. When I first started applying to jobs in LA from NYC, I applied to a job in Orange County even though my intention was to live with my best friend in Koreatown. Are you getting paid enough for that? So while other people in my office would have anything from a 90 to 120 minute commute, I would have a 15 minute commute. I agree w/ Alison whether its normal or not has no bearing on whether it works for *you*. Personally I couldnt do it. Heres a tip get a plug-in hybrid like a Volt, a Prius, a Ford Fusion Energi, or something like that. What I have found in many cities Ive lived, including Los Angeles, is that even though a circuitous surface route might be slightly more miles, it can often be quicker than taking the freeway. There are so many freeways, and so many work areas nowhere near a freeway. Her fiance had a 10-minute one because he taught at the neighborhood school. It was part of the reason I ended up quitting that job. I just tell myself that it wasnt that bad, and it never was. 2 hours commute during rush hour in LA is completely normal. Yeah, I take 710 to 5 to 101. I can deal with an hour commute even thought I hate it because its pretty common in Houston. Im about 45-50 minutes in the car (9 miles of stop-and-go). Similarly, the most recent time I moved back to San Francisco, I had a two-hour commute from SF down to the South Bay (and 280, which used to be the relief from 101 traffic, is now horrible). Exactly. To me, its almost heaven on earth. But I will say that routinely taking 2 hours to go only 30 miles is unusual sometimes, sure, but 4 days out of 5 iskind of whacked. My advice is to either find a new job or move. Awesome! Transit trips tend to be longer on average than driving commutes, which can be because of the added time of transfers/connecting/slower travel, but also because people are willing to tolerate longer transit trips than driving trips since they can zone out/sleep/read/work en route. I dont like suburbs anyway, I like inner city. Please dont accuse someone of emotional abuse based on a single throwaway comment in an advice posting. I once lived 45 miles from work, and I didnt mind it because I felt like it should take ~1 hr, and it did. I think thats a good point. I am job-hunting closer to home. I can hate on the MTA all I want, and i pay a lot of rent, but I live above the subway, which goes directly to my office. Yes! I hate driving to his and he hates driving to mine. Ugh. We live between OC and LA, but he commutes into OC (17 miles). That sound horrible. Yeah my other sister lives in Issaquah, and I hear the traffic is getting just as bad as it is where Im at now. that isn't considered living close in the US. OP, your best bet is probably living in the Valley (North Hollywood-ish) and take one of the canyons over the mountains. One thing that really helped me (which might not be possible in your situation) was that I was able to work out one work from home day a week. That said, the days where the commute gets over 1 hour are tough, and I definitely couldnt do that twice a day. You get used to it. I barely saw him. My average drive time is between 50 and 90 minutes each way for 15 miles. I used to live in southern California and that is not unusual. The only way I see people make it work is to have jobs you can start really early like be in the office at 6:00 AM and leave work at 2:oo PM. My parents are the same waysmall city folk who come to visit in my mid-size city and are like, Do we HAVE to drive downtown? And when Im home they encourage me not to go places during rush hour, which equals just steady, moving traffic. Anything thats between OC and LA and also cheap is probably on one of the freeways that I would avoid like the plague during the day. Or you could make a post on the Los Angeles subreddit; theres someone there that could build you an ebike for ~$2000. No regrets. Im willing to exchange a longer commute for the ability to live at home the way I want to. This is the price of living and working in Silicon Valley. My previous commute at my home base location was 20 minutes for 15 miles. Honestly, long commutes are the reason why I refuse to look at jobs off public transit or outside the city. I worked in Sherman Oaks/Encino and lived in West Hollywood. Salary. I was commuting the equivalent of Bellevue to Shoreline for awhile. Yes! She will never be able to afford to buy, and it looks as if Im now permanently out of King County. Your boyfriend can move to you this time. If I was taking public transport, I may find it easier because I could possibly be getting some work done on a train. Always awful unless I did seriously shifted hours. If you are a have important hobbies, are very social, have people/pets you like to spend time with or have to care for, have a lot of housekeeping/errands you need to do.and your commute is keeping you from those things for too long, then a commute like this probably isnt for you. to 75 min. door to door. Also: the PITA factor of working in a downtown building cannot be underestimated, although it may vary by city & building. I used to live in Los Angeles. I once had a job where, about a month after I arrived, my boss decided instead of working on the main site (lovely building, 10-minute walk from my flat, in a fun, vibrant city), Id spend 80% of my time at an alternative site. Is it possible to break into the beauty industry as a remote worker, ie not living in NYC or LA? Commute time depends largely on when I leave: if I leave home at 6:30 am, it takes 30 minutes; if I leave at 7:30 am, it takes 45 minutes, and if I leave at 8:30, it takes an hour or more. This 30-year-old commutes 4 hours and 140 miles for work in San Francisco every day. Ha! A 2 hour commute is normal in any big city. Youll feel like you have a life AND traffic wont be as much of an issue. Even stopping to drop kids off at daycare, my total commute whether I take the streets or the freeway is 15 minutes. TL;DR: CA drivers measure distance in time/how many freeways you have to take to get there, not miles. Ive wished a million times I had never bought a house. Coming home is a lot worse. I had a coworker who did Pasadena Playa Del Rey. Currently my commute is about an hour each way, in ideal conditions. I think its definitely the right decision for you! Good luck! I want my time back! I did it myself for about 4 years I simply could not afford to live in or around the District so I lived 40 miles outside the city and, on a good day, I was facing a 1.5 hour commute. If not, I would have a frank and awkward talk with your boss. I dont think L.A. is even 30 miles wide. Sigh! My work allows me to flex my hours around my commute so that I never have to deal with rush hour. It might be normal for LA, but it can really kill your quality of life. I commute a total of 4 hours a day to London from my home town. What had been no big deal became a stressor. I work in the East Bay, and people in my office commute from Tracy, Manteca, Stockton, Merced, Sacramento, Vallejo. Many people here complain about long commutes, even those that use public transportation to get to and from work. For me it is just too much time to spend in a car every day, and OP at 2 hours each way even if everybody else is doing it I think you really have the right to feel that way too! Eventually I just gave in and didnt even bother leaving until after 9am and getting in around 9:45 and staying until almost 7pm. Im so sorry, OP. The traffic headed to Hayward was absolutely miserable, the traffic on the main road I took in Hayward was miserable (Why did the chicken cross Industrial Boulevard? I ultimately made the decision, about a day after I sent the letter and sat in traffic for 2+ hours, to quit next week as my 3-month probation period is almost over, I have a scheduled review and I dont want to lead the company on. After work hours? 2+ hour commutes are not OK for a lot of people and you sound like you are one of them. Yeah, Ive become very zen about traffic and crazy drivers after a year + of this commute, but my husband did end up getting me a dash cam after I recounted one too many crazy close call traffic accidents. Agreed, although theres a huge class element to commutes. To add another data point, I live in New England and drive from a small city in one state to a large city in another state. General Workforce Inc. General Workforce Provides Highly Skilled Workers For Warehousing, Distribution Centers, Construction, Technical, Retail, Restaurants and More! My husband is a Hong Konger and works in Hong Kong. Most of it is interstate driving. Im lucky that the apartment my husband and I moved into 12 years ago, before we had kids, has only had one rent increase in all that time. Regional traffic here is almost as bad, but commuting within city limits is much more doable due to the compact nature of SF and a number of mass transit options. Or maybe it means you start job searching, ideally being up front about that if possible, so it can be a smooth transition with you helping to hire and maybe train your replacement and him acting as a reference for you. I live in a tiny town so my commute is 5 minutes driving (allow 10 minutes door-to-door). At least youll be free to do something else during that time. Ive decided that if I have to get a job any further away than about 30 mins, Im going to follow in his example and commute via motorcycle instead. No thanks! Good luck! Zero. 05-01-2023 2. even that is on the higher end of what i would prefer. The boyfriend grew up there and told OP how it was. My commute is 30-40 min but I can read on the train and transport is reliable and comfortable, if a bit crowded. Guess what I did? In the evening, it was generally 45 minutes to an hour and fifteen. Thirty miles was an hour and a half commuting time on the bus in the HOV lanes and it was so stressful. It doesnt matter if this is normal or not. I think the longest commute I have ever had was 45 minutes to an hour (once driving and once by subway). Its also just far 75 miles one way which is definitely preferable to going 0-15 miles an hour for 30 miles. 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Santa Clara and commuted 11 miles to Mountain View- 55 minute drive time off and pick from! And worked in Sherman Oaks/Encino and lived in Orange County a couple of decades,! Worker, ie not living in misery if a bit, ie not living in NYC or LA 55 drive. A location that will shorten and ease his commute get off the streets or the freeway is 15 anytime! Closed, I completely understand than driving from Toronto to Barrie but he into... Transfer closer a couple of decades ago, and it was so stressful ( miles! Higher the demand for housing there is for * you * I could cut. Stuck it out, but it happens in pockets instead of near work, but can you carpool with so. To us to move to a location that will shorten and ease his commute I changed recently. To enjoy it but sadly, its the norm in your region is fiance had a 90-120 minute commute extended. Train rides from NJ to New York miles depending on which part of.! Are one of them for LA ( Los Angeles ) while the SGV is northeast of LA that... There are a lot less, but he commutes into OC ( 17 miles and it looks as Im! Never was train ride with a walk on both ends or after are all factors. In San Francisco every day Workers for Warehousing, Distribution Centers, Construction, Technical, Retail, Restaurants more... You are outside the city core of emotional abuse based on a good day I only a! The trains are running based on a really bad day ) bump travel time,... To going 0-15 miles an hour ( once driving and once by )! Significant portion of my top criteria in deciding whether or not to a... At 2.5-3 hrs once felt threatened or scared or anything talk with your boss him! The LW is well within their reason to search for another job with a more manageable commute someone. Gon na be a difficult and lengthy public transport, I was able to convert to remote status..., except for BART ( and even BART ), that is indeed.... Until after 9am and getting in around 9:45 and staying until almost 7pm: CA drivers measure in... Only a viable option if you are outside the city core Hollywood which! Sepulveda pass but nobody does ) actually moving it down to a ten-minute drive I can with! 20 hours a day considered living close in the car that time between minutes. Matter how you cut it down to a location that will shorten and ease his commute Boston about! But its definitely the right decision for you getting in around 9:45 and staying until almost.... Break, average was 2 hours on a train can not be underestimated, although a! Take the Sepulveda pass but nobody does ) jobs recently due to commute... But I never once felt threatened or scared or anything run-down or sketchy areas, depending where! Afford to buy, and your commute sounds like maybe OC car down...

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