what is the rarest hoi4 achievement

As Poland, install a Habsburg monarch and be in a faction with another Habsburg monarch. Can be accomplished by having the law after capitulating and controlling no territory (e.g. You should be able to take the focus "The people's republic of Bulgaria" by December 1936. The first army exp you get should go to Tenacious Defence, Elevated Engineering Corps and Static Warfare. No one should declare war on you, so you can sit it out for as long as you want to build up a large army. Crush divisions in these both cities but don't take them. It is important to deal with them early, however, as if left to the late game they can join the Allies and this will force you to fight on multiple fronts with the British Raj. Received at least 50 expeditionary forces from the United Kingdom. Beware of Japan as they will likely attempt to attack and invade Indonesia so make sure to guard all ports and have some planes and ships to hold them off. However, make sure that they are not neighbours. The faction does not need be the Axis, but it must be led by Germany. For construction: Que level 5 (or higher) forts and on the bottom military factories. Once you have Riga, Warsaw and Kanaus, all you need is Berlin. The Xbox One version, version, iOS and Google Play versions still have achievements in addition to the in-game ones from the Old-gen console version and GameCenter and Google Play respectively, but these achievements are deprecated. Note: for executing the air drop the game will tell you which regions need air superiority but is lacking when it comes to required transports. Flip to Fascism (unlike Utilize the Leagues, Right Wing Rhetoric is not mutually exclusive with Review Foreign Policy), form the Little Entente, and take the focus to Invite Italy to your faction. Therefore, the achievement is best done as Bulgaria with historical focuses active. As Imperial Germany, conquer a Caribbean island. As the U.S.A., have more than 300 military factories. While in the war begin "The Comintern", "Baltic Security", "Claims in Baltic" and "Secure Leningrad". Use your forces to mop up the Turkish forces trapped in the Bosphorus, then have them retreat back to the starting border. May be done in conjunction with "Master Puppeteer" (win against Yugoslavia and release the constituent states as puppets) and/or "Prussia of the Balkan" (e.g. It should be really easy to get enough war participation to demilitarize the Rhineland and more. The United Kingdom starts with both. Conquered all core territory of China and Manchukuo not including the states of Hong Kong(326) , Macau (729) and Guangzhouwan (728). Questions, Paradox Conquered a coastal state in Europe. Use Cavalry/Tanks to quickly capitulate. Currently, if Turkey refuses, the decision will appear again after a few days. yes you can get every achievment even after the score board. This can easily be done by conquering France before taking Oppose Hitler; justify on France directly (while France guarantees Yugoslavia, Romania, and Czechoslovakia, if you justify on one of them, you'll call either Romania or Czechoslovakia in as well). This can be done as any country but is most straightforward as any of the major nations, particularly Germany, United Kingdom, France and Japan. You will also need to send a lot of divisions to help USA rebellion so it's better to choose a city from pacific side to start coup(Axis should have Suez Canal by now and you can ask for access while being at war against Russia). Offmap military factories do not count as they are considered occupied factories and are not specifically on your territory. Begin to develop the east indies, focus on planes (specifically bombers) and submarines to destroy factories and shipping to damage the German economy so the USSR doesn't lose. At the start of the game create your spy agency and unlock all cryptology tech, you only need to decrypt Germany as they are the only member of the Axis. Remember: Press the button below the army to ask for expeditionary units. what is the rarest hoi4 achievement Informaes Importantes. Once Strengthen the Papacy focus is complete, take Utilize the Blackshirt focus. Germany should not ask for Danzig. Even if Sweden intercepts one divisions, they never will be able to get them all. Once you occupy London, you'll get the acheivement. achievement_romance_of_the_three_kingdoms_YUN flag is set. In order to complete the national focus "Claim the Mandate of Heaven", you must be independent and own all of the starting territory of China, Shanxi, Xibei San Ma, Yunnan, Guangxi Clique, Communist China and Sinkiang. Do not do the building quests while Roosevelt is in power because when you make Alf Landon president, The Congress Support will be high. Option 1: Give into German and Soviet demands for territory. If this occurs during the civil war, Gibraltar may not be given to the player's Spain but will be transferred once the civil war is won. Another window to strike at Germany early is during Sudetenland crisis. Cannot be done as Egypt (possibly because starting a game as the UK). As a democratic nation, build a lot of planes, namely strategic bombers and fighters, and rush nuclear technology. For railways to connect, the provinces must be owned by members of the same faction. While some have advised that a garrison order is sufficient the AI will not accept a mere garrison order under most circumstances, so better to use an invasion order. Annex Curacao, satellite Dutch East Indies and the puppet remainder of Netherlands. Has completed focus The Unification of the Balkans Unite the entire world under the British Empire. As South Africa, break free from the UK and puppet another nation. When you've reclaimed all your cores continue the political side of the focus tree and take the "Empower the Ras" side. One route is to turn fascist. You can also spam recruitment of divisions until you've used up all your manpower, wait a few ticks for the achievement to trigger, and then cancel them all again (if you want to continue your game). Give the fighters air superiority missions over an American air zone, assign the bombers to that air zone then without unpausing, declare war on the Philippines. Don't forget to research Transport Ships to be able to launch naval invasions! As the Soviet Union never lose 1 core territory to anyone before 1945. In which case you don't (may not) have to fight the Allies. Wait for Germany to start the war against the Soviet Union and finish the Smash the Bureaucrats focus which gives a puppet war goal against the Soviets. Once you've declared war simly hold your cores and help with defeating the Axis powers. Join Axis and move all your armies and navies to Germany. You can join the axis faction after the conclusion of the war. As Germany, control Budweis, Tsingtao, and Guinness directly or through a faction member. Now the states you are missing are controlled by Italy and turkey. Rarest USA Achievements detailed guide (Georgias and Underpaid) Hello folks, I just got these two achievements and thought I'd share how to do them: First of all, we are going communist With "The People's Militia Directorate" focus you can get 3 spies then you should increase this to 4 with an advisor. After that concentrate on building naval dockyards and make sure that you researched Modern Ship Torpedo Launcher technology. Once they take Moscow, ask them to give you control in that state. Choose Fascist Demagogue as your first Political Power spending, turn Fascist (skip Civil War option) and join the Axis, Start Justifying War on the UK and when it's done declare war, Declaring war on a country before it joins the Allies does, Not Germany and not in faction with Germany. Once Restoring the Megali Idea focus is reached, start it and choose to invite Italy along to prevent the loss of stability. Remove the Fascist Demagogue once Romania flips to Fascist. Go the Kemalist route through the Etatism and Peace at Home focuses. At the start of the game, justify and declare war on Poland and call. Ignore China, justify on Netherlands, ask Germany for Military Access and Naval invade from German Coast into western coast of Netherlands. Be aware that when Japan goes to war with the Allies that there is a chance that when a nation revolts that they will automatically join the Japanese faction. Remember, you only have to control the four cities at the same time, you don't need to wait until you get them in the peace conference. An other option is to follow the communist branch of Bulgaria and at the very end complete the focus 'The Unification of the Balkans'. After capitulating Poland give all polish states to Tannu Tuva. Be aware that because of the fact that historical AI is off Hungary could create the Pact of Rome and get in an early war (non-historical Italy sometimes justifies on Yugoslavia 1937) or tries to form A-H itself and then fails. Alternatively, try to naval invade Soviet's far east front and capture a few victory point provinces. This strategy works most of times, but not all. Forming The Horn of Africa and The African Union decisions can be very helpful towards this goal. Rush Fascist and justify a war goal on the Philippines, if you try to justify on a major country like the United States world tension will skyrocket but because the Philippines is a puppet the US will automatically join when you declare war upon them, with far less world tension generated. Note: the text is dynamic and refers to the current Yugoslavian ruler. Complete "Support Anti-Colonialist Resistance". Guarding your ports and continually taking propaganda decisions will get you to 30 in around 5 years. Simply invite the UK, France, and Italy then promise them all concessions. Next, go for "The Veterans Government" and "Anti-Communist Militia". Hulunbuir and Liaotung's infrastructure does not need to be increased to 10. Immediately justify on The United Kingdom. The focus "Subjugate the Warlords" gives a fixed 50% chance to puppet each of the warlords (even if they are in a different faction). Is a Collaboration Government Danzig (85) is controlled by Germany Take the Move to Secure the Dominion focus as soon as you switch communist, and start justifying on the Philippines, since that won't raise WT by much but still make sure the US gets involved. Build a defensive army. The United States is a subject of The United Kingdom. You need a decent war score because you gained cores on east Germany, you need your old cores and the eastern German provinces to get the achievement. Check which political path Germany goes. Capitulate the USA, and depending on other achievement tasks, either puppet or annex, then finish off Mexico. Just go democratic and wait for world tension to rise. As any Baltic State, conquer the entire shoreline of the Baltic Sea. At least 1 participating operative requires French, and at least 1 participating operative requires British nationality. The United Kingdom will be too busy in Europe to do much against you, so it is possible to declare war on the UK first to unlock War Bonds and get some of your powerful industrial focuses before invading the US. The Faroe Islands (and Iceland, and Greenland) are Danish cores, and within the air range of Sweden, so there is no need to prevent Germany from invading mainland Denmark. If you want Portugal, you'll have to take them by yourself. If you wish to continue playing and get another achievement (Stalin, How Many Guns Does He Have), you can use the war goal you get from Time for War to declare war on the USSR and join Germany's attack. It's the only quick way to lose because it will take ages for Allies to get to you through land (way longer than your troops going for Palestine will take). Done it first in DoD =D. Man of a Thousand Faces, Every One the Same. Now you should be able to take the decision to form the Roman Empire. Take the "Join the Allies" decision and capitulate Bulgaria. The United States is a subject of The United Kingdom You have to complete the focus: 'The One True Heir of Solomon' and form the Empire of Solomon. The first month(s) of the war are the hardest, you can't lose any tiles and have to constantly monitor where more divisions need to be relocated to keep holding the lines (first months therefore on speed 4). Alternatively, you can also do this without joining any faction. Use this for annexing them. Only Japan, Italy and the Netherlands have access to bicycle batallions. Huge-oslavia is the rarest at the monet. (there is a good chance of Hungary taking Austria and/or allying with Italy so Germany will be weaker). Now you are safe from Germany. The hardest part of the achievement is to enter Moscow before the Axis does. You can get Spain via either Iberian Protection or All Roads Lead to Rome focus, the latter requires you to reduce their autonomy to annex them. annex Yugoslavia complete "Fate of the Balkans" after annexing Yugoslavia, help Axis against Soviet Union, help Allies against Axis, use decisions to puppet and annex Romania & Greece). Then, just wait until they make enough divisions, and request them (leave the Comintern/Axis and then form your own faction for the achievement if you didn't get a chance to take over faction leadership).. Any country at war with the player and Poland has the Global flag warsaw_liberated_self_flag is set. The naval invasion will be ready in seven days, and your navy with. It takes time for resistance to rise to the 90% liberation point. Discord! If UK will not accept your demands, don't use option to go to war with UK. Like with Russia, you need to justify against USA and declare before coup is finished. Canada and Mexico probably have the best shot at doing it early, with a quick war against the US and lots of puppet manpower. If Transvaal runs out of building slots, follow the Dispersed/Concentrated Industry tech tree to get more building slots. This way you can guarantee Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan and you can join in the fight and invite them to your faction once the USSR declare war on them. They will be easy to capitulate with all their forces in the west. As Finland, defeat the Soviet Union without joining a faction. It has a ton of really easy ones and a ton more of almost imposible (AKA tedious) to get such as The Three Mountains. If Japan occupy them and you take them back, you might be able to snatch them in the peace deal, otherwise you will have to defeat the Allies. If you defeated Poland before civil war breaks out and the Allies failed to take it back, in another word, it is occupied by Germany after you declare on Germany, you will even have a peace conference to partition Poland. Do not engage any factions or wars then. And give them any defensive bonuses you can give them. While you can side with the Japanese first to take out China then backstab the Japanese, it's recommended to deal with Japan first, as they'll inevitably get the United States drawn in when they attack the Philippines. Try to take the UK before Germany or Italy tries a naval invasion. Best done by joining the Comintern, as the USSR will never take or puppet any land in China. The game seems to check for casualties at the end of each month, so, for example, if you have under 475 casualties on January 1st and force the enemy's capitulation by January 17th (or any other day before the end of the month) with 4000 casualties (or any other number, including above 475), you will still get the achievement. Accept the call to arms and invite the rest of the Axis. Take everything that France has in the peace deal, don't forget the navy. Join Axis at the start which Germany should accept. After you defeated and annexed Vichy France, release most of the land you occupy, otherwise you will get manpower issues. After the civil war focus on getting more manpower and factories. As a Scandinavian country form your own faction, and have Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland in it. From Poland invading Iraq and Italy simultaneously; to Australia dropping an atom bomb on itself, there really is no end to Paradoxs creativity in designing bizarre achievements Declare war on Denmark, Improve relations with France and the UK and go for the Focus "Unite The Sami",which gives you war goals on Norway and Sweden. Once you finish "Autonomous Soviet Republics" you will need to release all of these nations as puppets: Lithuania, Finland, Mongolia, Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Turkestan, Bukharan, Altai and The Far East, You will also then need to return Biaystok to Poland after this. Then, upgrade the Agency three times with anything you like, and after that the option to Become Spymaster (for the Allies) will be available next to the name and icon of your agency at the top of the window. Proceed to the focus Towards African Unity via Reclaiming Ethiopia and A Federal Empire. With Historical Focus Off, the UK has a chance of becoming fascist or non-aligned. Also key to this is Ideological Loyalty. Keep going down the focus and complete Convene with The Grand Council. As Germany in a 1939 start, occupy all of Poland and France without taking more than 475 casualties. The easiest strategy is to join the Comintern and attack Turkey from the USSR. One option is to turn off historical, but manually set Japan, China, Communist China, the Baltics, and Poland to follow their historical paths (setting countries to Historical never disables achievements). Alternatively play as Germany and play normally until you sea lion Britain. Complete "The Path of Marxism Leninism", "Addressing Internal Affairs", "Expand the Agitprop", "The Komsomol" and then either "Positive Heroism" or "Collectivist Propaganda" to unlock the Agitprop decisions and expand to three slots. After that pick "Towards the new Europe" branch. If UK accept your demands the country will join your faction - kick it and start justifying, start war, win, annex. Once most of France is liberated and Italy has largely fallen simply leave the Axis and justify on Germany (A fast way is to choose Voralberg, as it's a core of Switzerland and therefore you only need 15 days before you can declare war). While the german civil war rages, keep an eye on Hungary. If you hold off on forming the Imperial Federation until after defeating the United States, you should be able to declare war on the US by late-1938/early 1939. As an optional bonus, boost communist party popularity in. As Germany have both Poland and France surrender before January 1st 1940. 0.13%. After securing the Mediterranean, it can easily be done with a small 1944 strategic bomber fleet (without any escort) by taking control of the following provinces: Gibraltar (118), Azores (698), Bermuda (696). Take the Silent Workhorse advisor and use the Secularism decision whenever available to block the expansion of your Islamist rivals. When in the allies, move your planes to the airfield on the British Isles and set them on mission to Northern France when the nuclear tech is ready and one nuke is available. As Bourbon Spain, hold all Spanish and French core states. As non-aligned Turkey, have zero negative state modifiers. Taking British Raj as a puppet is highly recommended to invade through Sinkiang and Yunnan. In that case, a democratic Canada may form a faction with the United States. Doing it with "Holy, Roman, and an Empire" is also a good choice, after forming Rome, you have enough industry and manpower to grind your general to max level. Sometimes Poland attack you from other provinces and cause some thousands of casualties, so you will have to repeat the game. Capital is Macau (729) A third way is to turn off La Resistance. Since a recent patch, this achievement can also be achieved if you win an offensive war without losing any core territory. Allies win by '41/'42. If everything done correctly, you can get this achievement by 1942. warsaw_liberated_self_flag gets set if resistance hits 90 in a. Yugoslavia can pick the focuses "Reinforce Old Alliances" and "Ban Slovene Nationalist Parties" to improve relations with three of the five countries. (You need to keep your legitimacy above 99 during the entire 70 days of the focus, so you might have to attempt doing it a couple of times since Italy can lower your legitimacy through a decision). You can also complete "The Abuna" focus to get an advisor that slightly increases legitimacy gain. This achievement is ideally tackled as a nation that can receive more than just the standard nuclear research bonus in the generic focus tree - Germany is an ideal choice if one goes Democratic, given that on top of a bonus to nuclear weapons, it can get an ahead of time bonus on nukes. Your research consists of anti-air upgrades, engineer upgrades and upgrades to infantry weapons/bonuses. Now it is time to take the Triumph in Africa focus, once it completes go to the Balance of Power and take all the decisions which push the power to the left (red). An easy strategy is to go down the God Save the King path, and after defeating the United States, go after France (as you went off the rails, Czechoslovakia will always refuse to give up Sudetenland; if you do Pre-Empt the Ideological Threat and Expose the Belly of the Bear while fighting the US, you'll be able to justify, and since the US is a major, you can quickly justify on France and another country - Luxembourg is a good choice; don't justify on Mexico, Japan, the USSR, or Germany, since you can get war goals on those countries through events or focuses). Start down the fascist tree and don't take any of the democracy decisions to ensure you get a civil war as soon as possible. Try to poke holes in the US line as they will have a tough time manning a long border and encircle their troops. Research fighters and Strategic Bombers. Another option is to use the national focuses and join either Allies or Comintern before Germany justifies on you (Normally 1940). It can be completed in the same run with the. You can always train air units with all the spare production capacity to assist. Option 2: Turn fascist and join the Axis. This focus path essentially turns you into Poland, giving you a. One full army should be sufficient. Because you need to be able to overrun the Allied divisions in Egypt and be able to defend your home against both land attacks and naval invasions. Make sure that you took as many coastal provinces as you can. As Romania, change sides in the war and capitulate a former ally. This achievement can also be done along with True Blitzkrieg achievement. Regardless of what warlords accept, justify a Take Claimed State war goal on Communist China; then, garrison the large army you just trained across Nationalist China and any of the warlords who did not accept vassalization (do not garrison in Communist China if you got military access from them, as you can't directly declare war on a nation you have forces inside of). Remember that to capitulate Vichy, you also have to take the part of victory points that Vichy France has in Nort -Africa. As a Warlord, have at least 1,000,000 manpower queued up for deployment. Grind during the Sino-Japanese war as much as possible. Wait until Germany Declares war against Poland and Bulgaria joins the Axis. As France, complete the "Little Entente" National Focus, and have all German cores owned by you or someone in your faction. If not, drive straight for Palestine (get some ports along the way so you won't get cut off from supplies). Pretty much every other achievement can be done either by lucky rng or exploiting game mechanics, but in the current version of the game there is no way to exploit dont die for your If fighting with Germans (in alliance or not), make bigger war score than they, because at peace conference Germany could first take all Eastern Poland and it'd be unavailable to get Polish land without struggle with Axis. 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