the widow of zarephath showed hospitality to prophet

Rabbah 2:5:3). The Rabbis also learned from this episode that giving food to someone else is a great virtue that results in the resurrection of the dead before its time: because the widow from Zarephath gave food to Elijah, she merited the reviving of her son (Cant. She explained to Elijah she was gathering two sticks that she could prepare the meal for her and her son that they may eat it, and die. We can assume she is the only widow in her city. The story of Peter in the Bible teaches that. Another trial was going to test the widows faith. Instead of cursing the stranger for his callousness, as we might expect, the woman did exactly as he had requested, feeding him the food she had reserved for herself and her son. TERMS OF USE Go home and do as you have said. This exegesis is based on the juxtaposition between the episode of Hiel the Bethelite (I Kings, end of chap. Shelmith, oh how you have blessed my heart today by sharing your testimony :D. Praise the living God for sure! She was not an Israelite. They may have little or no knowledge of Jehovah and need help to accept true worship. Elijah carried the boys limp body to the roof chamber and cried out: OJehovah my God, are you also bringing harm to the widow with whom I am staying by putting her son to death? It deeply upset Elijah to think that Jehovahs name would be dishonored if this kind and hospitable woman was allowed to suffer even more. Elijah was staying with the widow and her household while there was a drought in the land. Jewish Women's Archive. Elisha could have just given her the money she needed. For this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day the Lord sends rain on the land.. The Widow had her last bit of sustenance left in this life.But she was so willing to give from it. Not in a way that is driven by anxiety. She was a Gentile, an outsider. var checkboxFields = jQuery(this).find('[name^="GROUPINGS"]'); Sometimes our blessing is bound up with our serviceWhen we share, no matter how small, we are enriched. In that moment she chose to trust God. The faith of the Widow of Zeraphath is unusual that she is a point of reference for Jesus in the New Testament. He might as well ask me to snap my fingers and produce a cow to feast on. Even though she did not know much about Jehovah, she believed Elijah and did what he asked of her. Just as Elijah promised, Jehovah added to her supply of food so that there was enough to feed Elijah, her, and her son until the drought ended. If she did not show faith in Jehovah, then another widow might have been chosen who would. Their mutual love of hospitality is not rooted in their religious or ethnic understanding, instead it is rooted in their shared humanity and love of God. The A type of non-halakhic literary activitiy of the Rabbis for interpreting non-legal material according to special principles of interpretation (hermeneutical rules).midrash explains why Elijah stopped the rains and how it happened that he was commanded to go to the home of the woman in Zarephath. Here is a prayer for you Lord, I pray you will be with your servant Shelmith. THE WATCHTOWERSTUDY EDITION (SIMPLIFIED) February2014, Share For him to take up a love offering? Yes, God sustained her household through the drought, but there is more to her relationship with Gods prophet. Once she had the jars, jugs, and pots collected she was to shut the door behind her and she and her sons would pour the oil they had into the vessels theyd gathered. Her planwithout Gods miraculous intervention, which she must have hoped forshe and her son will starve to death. Was she looking for a handout? When he came to the town gate, a widow was there gathering sticks. The bin of flour was not used up, nor did the jar of oil run dry, according to the word of the Lord which He spoke by Elijah (1 Kings 17:15-16 NKJV). Plead your case. The story of the woman with the issue of blood and many other stories show Jesus doing that ( ). Thanks so much for the exposition of the story of the widow of zarephath. It was a wicked time where the worship of false gods was practice. Each widow faced difficulties far beyond anything they could handle on their own. I look forward to hearing from you in the days ahead. We can assume she is the only widow in her city. For those who are being threatened by others and are feeling helpless, be their Defense. Instead, he sometimes intervenes by miraculous understatement, in this case by making sure that a little bit of oil and flourjust enough for a small loafdidn't run out. God tells us to go here or thereto do this or thatand its easy to think its about us. And who was her son? In today's episode of All God's Women we look at the Prophet's Widow, a woman with debt collectors knocking on her door and she had no way to repay them. (Acts 24:15) Surely these are excellent reasons for remembering the widow of Zarephath. Baal was said to be the god of the weather. There is much curiosity about what he was called but there is no record of his name in all of Scripture. They are sure. God multiplied the flour and oil so that she did not have to worry about food. The story of Elijah and the Widow of Zarephtah can be found in the following Bible verses: 1 Kings 17: 8-24. 11:1617]. Joanne Holstein is a Becker Bible Studies Teacher and Author of Guided Bible Studies for Hungry Christians. The LORD knew her, knew all about her situation, and the condition of her heart. For some reason I wasnt getting notifications. As they filled up the vessels they were to set aside the ones that were full. jQuery('.mc4wp-form').find('form').on('submit', function(evt) { God doesn't ignore the needs of those who cannot help themselves. Were not told of her praying to God herself, but she did know to go to Gods man for direction, and possibly, a miracle. Indeed April. He scooped him up and carried him back downstairs to his mother. Beg for His mercy and provision. And in each case, God showed them that they . This was the last place that you should expect to find faith. God heard Elijah and the boy lived once again. 17). 37:25): I have been young and am now old, but I have never seen a righteous man abandoned, or his children seeking bread. God does not abandon the righteous or their children in time of famine, and if drought comes to the world, He arranges sustenance for them. } Copyright 2022| Guided Bible Studies for Hungry Christians |, The Psychological Condition of Depression. The Bible is filled with God granting miracles for widows. Have you ever witnessed a miracle? It was ironic since generally, Israelites were not supposed to be mixing with the surrounding nations. But in this post, we focus in on Sarahs characteristics and what we can learn from, Continue reading Lessons from the life of Sarah in the Bible (characteristics and marriage lessons)Continue, The characteristics of Ruth in the Bible makes for an exciting study! In those days, widows, especially those without sons, were very vulnerable. Now how long would those last? The city serves as part of her identification. Her houseguest says: See, your son is alive.. Required fields are marked *. This devotional is drawn from Women of the Bible: A One-Year Devotional Study of Women in Scripture by Ann Spangler and Jean Syswerda. When this happened, she was ready to be used by God.And used her he did. He obeyed, finding a woman gathering sticks. Some time later the son of the woman who owned the house (where Elijah was staying) became ill. Elijah began to entreat God, and said (v. 20): Will You bring calamity upon this widow whose guest I am, and let her son die? The Rabbis derive from this that if someone opens his house to you, you are responsible for that persons well-being. We will get back to the context of Jesus . It is not because of our righteousness or any of our good works that we were saved by Him. But these were difficult times. Rabbah [ed. He dedicated his life to studying and serving God which meant he was dependent on others to provide for him financially. She literally was going to eat her last meal and then she was going to starve to death. Zarephath was a gentile country. Rather, because she received him hospitably and attended to him, this hospitality is ascribed to her, and she also merited having Elijah revive her son (Cant. Her sorrow: To suffer extreme poverty, famine, and the loss of husband and son. Elijah worshipped Jehovah. The widow then told Elijah: Now I know that you truly are a man of God and that Jehovahs word in your mouth is truth.1Kings 17:22-24. There were so many possibilities to this story. This was trying times in her life and there was no guarantee there was going to be more meal or oil enough to sustain Elijah, her dying son and herself. Hers is a story of the pain of loss and grief. Its easy to not deny Him when we are in love with Jesus. Shed fill it with oil from her original container. How could she do so, since she was so poor? Elijah asks her to give her son to him. For this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day the Lord sends rain on the land.. When Elijah sees the woman God told him to meet, he asks her for a cup of water. But how precious that they were able to be active participants in the miraculous provision for their needs. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his names sake. Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath Bible story word search puzzle with coloring activity page. This was a humbling activity. For the rest of their lives, those boys would always remember that time when they were facing being sold into slavery but God interviewed by multiplying a pot of oil. 2:20): Ask him in to break bread (Pesikta Rabbati chap. That emotional resurrection happened almost 3,000 years ago. If ever there was a list of bad women in the Bible, they would be on it. No matter how small or insignificant, we have something to give to someone else to help them. Kadari, Tamar. What an amazing lesson they witnessed to see how God cared for them and provided for them. Those who worshipped Baal believed he was the god who brought rains and bountiful harvestso the words Elijah spoke for God were profanity against Jezebels god. This was the case with the faith of the Widow of Zarephath. These mazzah cakes miraculously sufficed for the Israelites for thirty days, until the manna began to descend (Mekhilta de-Rabbi Ishmael, Masekhta de-Pisha, Bo 14). I have learned this though: Even for people who have denied Jesus, there is forgiveness and complete restoration. Guided Bible Studies for Hungry Christians. (1 Kings 17:17-23). 10:22 refers: It is the blessing of the Lord that enriches. A single spoonful of ground flour that the woman had and the little oil in the jug sufficed, they were not exhausted, and the blessing reigned from within her home (Tanhuma, Ki Tisa 29). So inspiring and, encouraging and hope-giving. The widow went to Elisha and pleaded her case. How were the widows sons involved in the miracle? The Widow of Zarephath helps us to better understand that faith comes by hearing the Word of God. These women challenged the beliefs and practices of their day. Tears escaped her eyes, try as she might to blink them back. She had lived her life a stone's throw from the Mediterranean, at Zarephath, seven miles south of Sidon, in a territory ruled by Jezebel's father. Am much encouraged at the same time I was looking for further understanding about the story of Elijah and the widow since for the first time I will be giving the word of God where I fellowship.i thank God for leading me and giving me what I was looking for through this page.for sure fear and anxiety has been killing me but this word has ministered to me God. Through her obedience, God sustained the prophet and her household. Are you searching for and helping such people? The bin of flour was not used up, nor did the jar of oil run dry, according to the word of the Lord which He spoke by Elijah (1 Kings 17:15-16 NKJV). When the husband is supposed to provide for the family, and hes busy studying and serving and the family suffers, its easy to feel resentful, to get angry with the husband and with God. The LORD God told His prophet Elijah that because of the wickedness of the people He would cause there not to be rain in the land for three and a half years. He will be a Provider, a Protector, and a Friend in order to help you endure.Exodus 3:13-15. Most important she learned that the word of the LORD is the truth. Now the woman looks at her resurrected son and is thrilled to see his smile. From Ahabs slaughterhouse. She is a great example of having faith, trust and obedience to the LORD. Blessings to you as well. This was another name for Zarephath. To help you get started in organizing your time, here are some sample Sunday School schedules for preschool through grade 6 for varying classroom lengths: If you have a 30-minute class, consider taking two weeks per lesson or following a schedule such as this: "Come on in" games: 5 minutes.. 9 images found in 1 Kings 17. Just a short time earlier, she had gently held his lifeless body in her arms. (Luke 4:25,26) Her story teaches us that God blesses those doing good to his servants. 8 Then the word of the Lord came to him: 9 "Go at once to Zarephath in the region of Sidon and stay there. You might be living from hand to mouth but recognize that it is Gods hands to your mouth. Hello Diana. I look forward to hearing from you! Jesus will be with you as you speak His words. The second of the encouraging Widow of Zarephath lessons is a bit of a cliche. Hopefully we can see it as God positioning us for blessing. The same held true for food: when he came to the widows house, she and he ate from his [that is, both the widow of Zarephath and Elijah partook of Elijahs food, which was miraculously provided to sustain him in the widows house]. The fact that God resurrects the dead was already shown by Elijah, Elisha and Ezekiel (Lev. They continued until all the vessels were full. Here are a few details about her that will help you to understand her story. So many people are prevented from reaching their goals, accessing their blessings, and living an abundant life because of fear. What do we know about the Widow of Zarephath whose story is found in I Kings 17:8-24? She cannot believe what she is seeing. We can learn so many lessons from the story of Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath. These two boys were facing a terrible future unless God intervened. The Rabbis expound that the cake that the widow made for Elijah was similar to mazzah (unleavened bread) and to the mazzah cakes eaten by the Israelites when they departed from Egypt. Luke 4:25-26. When Elijah declares that her food would not run out, the Widow steps out on this word and uses her last bit of flour and oil to make him a meal. Join the women of prayer simulstudy Coming January 9, All Gods Women Bible Study Facebook group, Shunammite Woman: Cool, Calm, Collected Sharon Wilharm Christian Storyteller. The husband may have been called by God, but the wife may feel shes just along for the ride with no say in the situation. The Widow of Zarephath. A type of non-halakhic literary activitiy of the Rabbis for interpreting non-legal material according to special principles of interpretation (hermeneutical rules). I can just see her acknowledge him and turn to go get the water. } These days she stood with shoulders hunched as though to hide her breasts. Yes, the large jar of flour did not run out, and the small jar of oil did not run dry, according to Jehovahs word that he had spoken through Elijah. (1Kings 17:16; 18:1) If that woman had acted differently, the loaf of bread that she made from her small supply of flour and oil might have become her last meal. Second, she was in no position to feed anybody. God did not abandon that poor widow. The woman said to Elijah (v. 18): [] that you should come here to recall my sin and cause the death of my son? In the midrashic expansion, she tells him: Until you came here, God would weigh my actions in comparison with the local people, and I would be found worthy. Did the woman remember a past sin that bothered her conscience? So Elijah begged: OJehovah my God, please, let this childs life come back into him.1Kings 17:20,21. Have you ever been in debt? Ahab was the king in Israel at a crucial time. Perhaps she had come to know him well in the time that had passed. This woman didn't know that the LORD is a loving LORD. But first make a small cake of bread for me from what you have and bring it to me and then make something for yourself and your son. What could the widows husband have done differently? TEXT: 1 Kings 17; Luke 4:25-26 WOMAN: The Widow of Zarapeth. The curse of the teacher is not fulfilled, but that of his disciple is? Elijah was feed by ravens for many days. The Prophet Elijah is invited into a widow 's home after he asks her for a piece of bread. Her joy: To experience repeated miracles of God's provision. Who has God sent into your life to help you? Their clothing set them apart so they could receive help from their community. There's a story about a widow of Zarephath. Even if we ourselves are struggling, reaching out can save you both. But God is full of surprises. "Widow of Zarephath: Midrash and Aggadah." Do not be afraid. And he called to her and said, 'Please bring me a little water in a cup, that I may drink.' And as she was going to get it, he called to her and said, 'Please bring me a morsel of bread in your hand.' Was she the woman who would give food to the prophet? But he had died before the drought, leaving her with a small son, a house, and little else. In honor of International Womens Day on March 8, 2022, we are spotlighting women who rocked in Bible times! Then theyd set it aside and grab a new jar to fill. Elijah could be seen as taking advantage of the vulnerable in society.Nevertheless, she was quite giving. Umma, the widow of Zarephath lived in a prime real estate location but did not have two sticks to rub together and make a fire. Elijah orders the woman to prepare a small cake for him (v. 13). The Widow of Zarephath helps us to better understand that faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Give guidance and wisdom so that we know exactly what to do in whatever situation we may find us in. APA Style Citation: It took great faith for Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath to believe God. Another tradition reveals Elijahs dislike of having to rely on other people. We need to know about the time period she lived in and the events that led to her faithfulness to the LORD. A lesson that we can learn from this is that God blesses those who show faith in him. What was she expecting when she went to Elisha for help? if( checkboxFields[i].checked ) { While Ahab and Jezebel and Elijah were drawing swords on earth, that was just a representation of what was happening in the spiritual word. The widow's faith in Elijah's God, Jehovah, kept her and her son alive. Elijah needed to trust that if God said provision would be made, then Gods promise would be fulfilled. Just Elijahs presence in the land was an offense to the enemy. Elijah asks her for a piece of bread, and the destitute widow invites him to her home where she uses her last bit of flour and oil to bake for him. Elijah took the boy and laid him upon his own bed and cried unto the LORD. This is when God brings Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath together. Admit your helplessness. Then you can make something afterward for you and your son. Think about what Elijah asked the widow to do. The widow did exactly as he instructed. The bin of flour was not used up, nor did the jar of oil run dry, according to the word of the Lord which He spoke by Elijah. There is always spiritual warfare over your hearts loyalty. Like a baby who knows that mom will come when she needs something, God truly wants us to expect him to show up for us. He provided for them in ways they didnt expect, and in doing so, demonstrated His amazing love for them. And in each case, God showed them that they werent alone and that He cared for them. The Widow of Zarephath (Women in the Bible Series) July 10. Concubine of a Levite: Midrash and Aggadah, Daughters of Zelophehad: Midrash and Aggadah, The Shalvi/Hyman Encyclopedia of Jewish Women, Copyright 19982023, Jewish Women's Archive. There it was the promise of a miracle. Elisha asked her what she had in her house. Blessings. Right now, feel free to press pause, and get on your knees and pour out your heart to the Lord Jesus. If we have faith, it said, we will get the blessing; if we do not [have faith], we will lose it.. Are you willing to be used by God to speak His truth into the lives of others as He leads you. Thanks for stopping by Evangelist Solomon. Elijah prayed that God give him the key of the resurrection of the dead, but he was told from Heaven: Three keys were not entrusted to an agent [i.e., an agent responsible for them], but remained with God, namely: the key of the woman giving birth, the key of rain and the key of the resurrection of the dead. Open job opportunities for her that will pay for her bills and help pay off her debts. From where did the ravens bring meat? Ahab blamed Elijah for the drought and wanted to kill him. Background: 10 Century BC. Remember the LORD had commanded a widow woman to sustain Elijah. I feel encouraged my name is Edith a single mother from Nairobi Kenya .av been going through tough times and its not easy at all kindly pray with me for job opportunities am a qualified interior designer , declutter and organising really crashes my I got bills and debts and am not able to pay. The important thing is to go back to Him in remembrance of Him. Have you ever been in as desperate a situation as the widow was in? She left a legacy of faith that has lasted for generations. She feeds Elijah in her home. Are you looking for God to answer you through the divine connection of relationship Hes placed in your life? This is so insightful and inspiring. God told Elijah to go to Zarephath and find a widow. Life Story of Prophet W.M.B - Part 1; Mystery Of The Godhead Revealed? The people there worshiped Baal, the god of rain. These lessons from the woman with the issue of blood in the Bible will empower, encourage and inspire you. We might easily assume this widow is not of Hebrew lineage, but she clearly believed in the Hebrews God and trusted Him. When her level of faith was compared to those who claimed to know God, she stood head and shoulders above them. She needs a miracle. God never leaves his people without guidance and direction. He wants us to lean on him and depend on him daily.It takes faith to deal with this. Elijah prayed and from heaven he was given the key of rain, so that it would descend only at his command. God richly bless you. An unexpected check comes just when you need it. Holstein, Joanne (2015) The Widow of Zarephath:. Becker Bible Studies Library (April),, (accessed). I have directed a widow there to supply you with food." 10 So he went to Zarephath. Our God is still a miraculous provider, granting what we need sometimes in the most unexpected ways. Our lives are intertwined for mutual provision and blessing. Read about other women who rocked in the Bible: Deboraha Faithful Focus on What You Can Do, Want more? This man of God is asking for the last of all she has. Here is a young woman whos had a difficult life. If youre a listener in Nairobi, Id love to hear from you and pray with you. Provide for her and her children. Rizpah was a woman of a different kind. She was faithful and obedient to the commands of the LORD. When Elijah finds her, she was picking up sticks for firewood. It is very likely that many Baal worshippers lived in Zarephath. Amen. And when she completed the task, she again went to him for the next step. Start for FREE. Shes angry. Elijah served as Gods spokesperson, the man who stood in front of King Ahab and prophesied the next years are going to see a total droughtnot a drop of dew or rain unless I say otherwise (1 Kings 17:1 MSG). See his smile since she was picking up sticks for firewood into him.1Kings 17:20,21 without... 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