teachers union endorsements 2022

This is not the sort of Avelino Valencia situation I discuss in AD-68, where it would be better to lose and hope for a better 2024 replacement. But Im endorsing Rips anyway because he took on fellow Director Jeffrey Barke read the story and I appreciate that. This is literally about helping the rich get richer. Ruesch seems extremely stolid: I helped buy the golf course, support the police; not my preference. The 2022 New Hampshire gubernatorial election was held on November 8, 2022, to elect the governor of New Hampshire. I remember because I set my backroom boys to work on it. (Reminiscent of when Tait took over Anaheim from Pringle.) 2021 was introduced by Rep. Rodney Davis (D-IL) and Pro-cop and anti-spending, but do want good congenial governing. Love his Irvine News Community & Views newspaper! But it also raises it for Short-Term Rentals and I can easily imagine that La Palma has quite a few of those! He will sell his grandmother, if it meant a political career advancement. I hate to do this but I see that Sandra Crandall has the GOP endorsement and, while she may be fantastic, in this politicized educational climate that worries me. If Democrats can elect Vasquez, so much the better. Of course, Im for the former, and of course youre for the latter. I perceive (rightly or wrongly) McGrorty and Steele as being on the conservative side. So Im bullet-endorsing the one that, For the rest, Im picking against the incumbents, thanks to how theyve botched things up. If you think hes better than Joe Dovinh, you have my proxy to paint it orange. M City of Huntington Beach, Charter Amendment Measure 2 YES! (Its a similar argument to price controls on insulin, which I also support.). Which candidate are you talking about, so we can verify this? Society could survive his mostly inert presence in the legislature. Vern: Remember when we thought Mike was gonna suck, and then he turned out to be really pretty good? Why did she go there at all? Vern: This is your most important task in East OC elect Dr. Mahmood! Only two endorsements to make here. Parents and community members attend a Loudoun County School Board meeting on June 22, 2021. And it was injury not just to the city, but to the concept of clean energy and to herself. (Takes a deep breath). Mariann Klinger has been a Planning Commissioner for 7 years and seems to enjoy the city a lot; shes also a former municipal journalist who covered city council meetings for years. I think that Bent who is already on NOCCCD is also a Republican, so dont get your hopes up for him as an alternative. I distinguish them mostly by the names that they drop. Gov. Her statement is very impressive, not least for showing how extremely well she has prepared herself, even at a young age, for this particular job. Vern: Moreno (no, not THAT Moreno, and not the OTHER one) is one of my oldest (HB) Dem friends in OC, and hes the guy who nominated me to get the Democrats Volunteer of the Year back in 2008 (which surprised me as even back then I regularly went off the reservation.) How did California yo-yo from a $100 billion surplus to a projected $25 billion shortfall in just one year. Pruitt and Rogers are part of her team? Well, ndale pues! Westminster sorely needs that sort of realism and values-based practicality on its City Council in these tough times and I strongly endorse James Phan for this seat. All rights reserved. Partnering with Orange County to restore mental health services. Political hack Dina Nguyens presence in this position has been a sick joke for too long. Mark Orgill: I have found collaboration more constructive than conflict. Damn, thats three in a row I like! US'S LARGEST TEACHERS UNIONS APPLAUD DEMOCRAT MIDTERM ELECTION WINS, DeVos fired back at the NEA in a comment to Fox News Digital, calling the union out for "attacking parents.". for the CFT is not just the work of leaders or the Executive The Westminster mall redevelopment project has been slow to get going but is finally starting to take shape. see additional relief. Steve Sisolak, above. In addition to hiring over 1,900 classroom teachers, the district realigned non-classroom based credentialed personnel to staff any remaining vacancies in order to ensure continuity of quality instruction for all students., Realigned staff may be able to return to their positions once classroom positions are backfilled, the LAUSD statement said. The combination of big class sizes, uncompetitive pay and added workload, protestors said, has led to underfunding of LAUSD schools, exhausted teachers who are likely to leave the profession, and students who are not getting the best education. Challengers Atwater and Carmona dont have candidate statements, which is an insufficient critique. 2022 United States House of Representatives elections in Maryland In this race, though, that cancels out. That endorsement has been reached pretty much by process of elimination. This district goes from South OC way down the San Diego County coastline. California H.R. 2022 Illinois gubernatorial election Beyond that, I see a lot of talking about spending money without talking about where that money came from especially ironic from someone who (rightly) invokes the issue of unfunded pension liability and taking credit for that which he did not do. Any Coastal Tablers out there want to weigh in? Greg, I disagree with you on Proposition 29. (Note: after finishing this, I decided to check his endorsers. Painters District Council 30. Although, I also wouldnt mind seeing an Asian-American candidate with stronger ties to Orange County face off against Steel (Sunny Park? Title 1. Nicol, thank you for the clarification. District 2:Michael Beshaiv.Kevin Kirwin. Id have liked to know more in how she reconciles that. Gennaway: Im running to protect our hometown from the rise in crime and outrageous cost-of-living in our state. OK, I get the crime thing: youre a Deputy District Attorney. 2022 FOX News Network, LLC. Further looking into this race, Torres began his candidacy on August 15th before being certified on the 17th, the last day. Comments from Silveradans amd Modjeskwegans (yes, Im making that name up) are quite welcome. Incumbent Michael Gates is a reckless would-be dictator, claiming the sole right to decide the meaning of the City Charter and to control whom the city can appoint to challenge him in court. District 5 is apparently the Leisure World district. seems both overwrought and undercooked. back attempts to cut healthcare and pension benefits. ps See todays Voice of OC article of responses to its water district candidates survey: https://voiceofoc.org/2022/10/theyre-often-in-the-shadows-of-elections-but-where-do-water-district-candidates-stand-on-the-issues. If youre conservative and anti-reform, you have Billy OConnell, Tony Strickland, Amory Hanson and even Brian Burley to choose from, among others; you dont need the Proud Boys pep squad leader on your Council. In thinking about this, during these past few days, I realized that I had a better answer to your question: Why do you feel compelled to endorse in every race?, Its based on something that research psychologists call the time-accuracy tradeoff.. Kamm may or may not realize that shes employing soft dog-whistles with her talk of parents rights and how students have been mentally affected by Covid, but lots of terrible policies are being smuggled in under those bright banners. The NEA, one of the largest teachers unions in the United States, later turned off replies to the tweet, but not before 5,000 people responded, including former education secretary Betsy DeVos, who simply stated "You misspelled parents.". 25. I think that they need a second opinion. OC portion of this district is Yorba Linda, plus maybe a little of northmost Anaheim Hills. teachers union Im still ticked at Dovinh running for water board against a good guy. The Republican is also leading among independents voters by 7 percentage points, 47% to 40%. (Well, come to think of it Moorlach often does too.) Plumbers Local 130 UA . weighed in on this race in the comments section. Democratic candidate for governor falling behind in polls, loses Steve Sisolak is trailing behind GOP opponent Joe Lombardo. 2022 FOX News Network, LLC. Arnel has always supported East Asian solidarity, blindly as to individual merit, and has worked hard to create power structures promoting himself within the Democratic Party. In section 39(2) of the Trade Union Reform and Employment 26. Thurmond is for serving and preserving the public education system. Election 2022 resources from California Teachers Associaton. Of course I endorse Sharon Q-S, who is trying to win her fifth term in the Assembly, and will have the added influence that comes with longevity. Thats what we do. And he did support Joses campaign finance reform back in June/July. Viva Guerrero! Commenters?) As usual, the i listed after a candidates name (and after party affiliation, for partisan offices) stands for incumbent; ai means appointed incumbent. But because this is a redistricting year, we have a special treat for you. Han and Franco both declare themselves to be CEO; in Francos case of a Buena Park Nonprofit. Pretty much anyone can create a corporation and call themselves a CEO, so Id want to know more about what they do before giving them too much credit for that. But yeah, vote for Sharon if thats your district, for sure. This measure would also increase costs, which would be passed on through the cost of the procedure, meaning unforeseen consequences from insurance or lack of insurance. Member-driven committees meet on professional issues. Other people have dismissed the seriousness of the sexual harassment case brought against her by a female deputy but it still seems plausible to me. So Im for this! Hes objecting to zoning laws created in Sacramento that remove jurisdiction from cities. (My own experience, which I dont think Ive reported on publicly, was her texting me late a few nights (after Id lobbied her against Poseidon a few times) with strange romantic/sexual meanderings about Chinese foot-binding and other strange things. Heres JODI: Nicole Colon is a great choice for Brea Schools in Area 1. Vern: Kim is, proudly, the Sheriffs and cop unions candidate they hate Vince because he has worked for oversight and accountability. 5723 Social Security 2100: A Sacred Trust was introduced by Rep. John Larson (D-CT) on October 26, 2021, and would repeal WEP and GPO, among other issues. Its MAGA vs. highly qualified Normal. Other Twitter users came to DeVos defense, echoing her criticism of the NEA. If it happened, it would be due to his not cultivating the left as well as the center and that in turn comes from the Correa-like DPOC opposing it. Andrew Hans statement is nice, but the weakest of the three. I will protect Proposition-13, safeguarding homeowners rights. Shes adjacent to the Anaheist scandal through her alliance with Avelino Valencia. Vern: These are Claytonista-Tarvinistas, and yes, re-elect them! Id give him credit for quietly doing a online fundraiser for the guy, but no this rich prich (thats a word I just made up) has to use your tax money to make you think that hes being generous by taking it away from you. Doesnt matter, just curious.) Donna Vidrine: Good website, shows strong endorsements, including from Rep. Mike LevinMark Enmeir: Nice informative website, no endorsements shown, not updated with meet & greets unless hes stoppedZhen Wu: Good website, endorsed by Councilwoman Kathy Ward, SIX former Mayors, & Planning Commission ChairDennis Kamp: Good website, endorsed by DPOC, OC Labor Fed, Teamsters, Chris Duncan, OCEA, Planned Parenthood, Sorry to Mark Enmeir; youre not likely to win. Fullerton like Anaheim and Santa Ana gets its own seat on the OC Water District Board, and it customarily (I suspect always) goes to a member of the City Council. Its quite common for their to be no good candidates and supporting the least bad candidates still means youre affiliating yourself with badness. Cyprians: what is she talking about? Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, introduced the No Federal Funding for Teachers Unions Act to prohibit the federal government from funding "corrupt" teachers unions. I thought it might not make a difference, but wasnt sure if it would, like, maybe count against their percentage of votes or something. She reaches out to community members, advocates for our schools, and has pushed hard to hire great principals and district staff who are doing great things for our schools. UTLA teachers protest outside Bravo Medical Magnet High School in Los Angeles Wednesday, October 19, 2022. Ahn looks well qualified and has endorsements from Councilmembers Traut, Park, and Sonne. 12 years ago I wrote The Wrath of Cole: Willards JAGUARS FOR JESUS Principal Bans ALL Student Clubs. Dennis was the very fanatical principal of Santa Anas Willard Intermediate School who got so pissed off when ordered by the state to stop his on-campus Bible-study prayer club that he took revenge on the world by BANNING ALL SCHOOL CLUBS. Asia Nguyen Cunningham is clearly the person that Democrats intend to beat her. Thu, 11/17/2022 - 11:30am. Division 1:Mike Scheafer(i) v.Michael Andrew Seiden, Division 3:Bob Ooten(i) v.John Mourani, Division 5:Arlene Schafer (i)v.Dean Howard. I can picture him not raising hell and getting attention but Im for Trung! (Slavery, Polks war on Mexico, the Chinese Exclusion Act, Jim Crow, Dr. Kings speech, and I wont even try to include all of the degradations of women) were accurate historical events, but she could consider teaching about them political indoctrination or possibly even Critical Race Theory which they arent.) Put him on the dais! But, The RPOC endorses Rodriguez and Lim. Vern: *I* dont find Katie off-putting. Add your support by signing on to the Moveon.org The union representing teachers in the Ventura Unified School District has been bargaining for months with the district. petition. 11/14 to the Very End. S. 1302The Social Security Fairness Yeah. The Texas Tribune Rona Goldbergs statement is full of dog-whistles. John Moorlach has an important message about unfunded liabilities that warrants serious consideration by city leaders. Unless there is a qualified write-in candidate, such as Terry Rains for Westminster Mayor, there no practical difference. And he definitely doesnt come across as someone who wants higher office. teachers union This district includes only La Habra within Orange County. Vern: Cynthia Aguirre is one of the best people in this County, and if it were a decent County, SHE would be Supervisor instead of Doug Chaffee, or, who was it Tim Shaw, Joe Kerr, or pinche Lucille Kring whatta buncha flawed people! California Code of Regulations Home; Updates; Search; Help; California Code of Regulations. The union representing teachers in the Ventura Unified School District has been bargaining for months with the district. There are other candidates better suited to serve the needs of the city. Just vote for Ken Dixon. The differences I see are less in policy stances than in relevant experience they have to implement them. So I cant vote for Rob but I sure dont want a Republican AG either. She should tell whoever designed her website lost her this endorsement, because I DESPISE that crap! Lawson is a respectable choice for those who dont like her; Frazier is your basic MAGA raver. Ive been on the look out for more information from her. Heres his opening argument: [As a Commissioner, I] was glad to be involved in the decision-making process of cleaning up some of our parks and allocating the City budget to do so. But alas, only Covid Truther Russell Neal signed up to challenge him, and so Moreno deserves another four years. Nash Endorsed! (R-TX) on November 3, 2021, and would eliminate the WEP. Couldnt find any, though each of them is pictured standing with another person (whom I presume was Vietnamese), if that will help. K City of Costa Mesa, Ordinance to Revitalize Commercial and Industrial Areas and Protect Residential Neighborhoods NEUTRAL. We cant know all about the whole county, we need reader input! He has Fred Jungs support I can just imagine the pitch that assured it but hes be a self-serving bad influence on Jung. (Id probably end up voting for him too, but I promised you some violet if Vern is the only endorser and this is a rare chance to see it!). As to Bilodeau Ill say this: he is perhaps the least hard working person Ive ever seen in inaction unless he was working on one of his personal scams or playing with little wooden cars in the annual Orange Little Wood Car Derby, or whatever the hell they call it. So: Irvine is is. The challengers have been put forward by the likes of old guard rejected Republicans Steve Mensinger and Jim Righeimer to promote merging this agency with the Mesa Water District. Whatchagonna do about it, punk? Improving programs for our youth and seniors. Painters District Council 30. Tri Ta by contrast which I think that Vern will talk about in his comments has exemplified the problems And if their parties were reversed, I would come to the exact same conclusion. As Ive said, I dont know how often a qualified medical professional ideally one not paid on controlled by the owners might actually save a life, but it doesnt take that many lives saved to make this worth supporting. Keep Freeman. Reasonable people can discuss this reasonably; I think that I could discuss this with every candidate, maybe excluding Johnson, except Knoblock, who seems shut off to any reasonable disagreement. We believe every student has the right to a high-quality education. Schools in low-income neighborhoods are affected, according to the union. by Governor Newsom, CalSTRS retirees from earlier decades will It has been almost four months since the contract between LAUSD and UTLA members expired. A recent CNN survey revealed that Lombardo rounded up more support than Sisolak from likely voters in Nevada, 48% to 46%. We are asking that our district invest in us [and pay us] a decent salary so that one job is enough, because the demands for teaching are great.. Votes should be cast for one reason: What is best for the residents of Placentia and the city?= Im not against all development. If it was after it was safe, thats a low bar albeit one that many Republicans still cant clear. We CANNOT lose Congress. Elections 2022 Oct 20, 2022 at 1:28 am The Stranger's Endorsements for the November 8, 2022, General Election Stranger Election Control Board Both candidates have mostly good statements, but only Kunath includes his intent to oppose the current sex education curriculum being pushed by Sacramento. The fact that even the Barke candidates arent pushing this line in their candidate statements suggests to me that this curriculum is not that controversial and that he Kunath is using it as some sort of dog whistle. You cant claim that youre a 2024 future Bernie delegate yet for multiple reasons. Search for a department and find out what the government is doing But outside interests spend heavily for Correa to keep what should be a seat capable of giving Congress another Xavier Becerra. Aubrie Spady is a Freelance Production Assistant for Fox News Digital. My Fullerton friends told me about this individual trying to get ahead in Fullerton wasnt working, so he bailed. I wish that hes said more about his homeless program, but it sounds like his hearts in the right place there. AFT Connecticut I dont see anything in there about keeping out the poor. (Thank God for the FBI!). O City of Huntington Beach, Taxation on Cannabis Businesses YES! Larry Dick has earned his re-election to this position. WEP and GPO. The other three all look like they have enough support to do so. Nah. Hope they split the vote! If this is authorized, I doubt that the Board will wait. While I have no reason whatsoever to think that hes anti-police and fire funding, hes not trying to get knee-jerk support by, as most candidates do, promising everything the might want and pretending that it doesnt come as a real, hard money, cost. RE-ELECT MIKE LEVIN! All face a common enemy this fall: California teachers. 2022 FOX News Network, LLC. (Slavery, Polks war on Mexico, the Chinese Exclusion Act, Jim Crow, Dr. Kings speech, and I wont even, Anaheim Union High School District Trustee, Martinez had no candidate statement, so you shall hear of her no more. She recounted how Bravo High wasnt able to retain a history teacher who left to work in the technology industry after four years in the classroom. Joliet Firefighters Local 44. G Capistrano Unified School District SFID No. Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. 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