pharmacy social media post ideas

Hootsuites social media scheduler includes an up-to-date media library with free images from Pixabay, GIPHY, and more, so you never have to worry about image copyright when posting. That might be through a license or through the creator directly. Designate who can access social media on the organizations premises and for what purpose. While many are free and available for commercial use, some may have different licenses and require attribution or payment. Dumfries & Galloway Revised annually, the latest version contains employment projections for the 2021-31 decade. Many images are less than $20. Single subtherapeutic doses of the study drug or treatment are given to a small number of subjects (typically 10 to 15) to gather preliminary data on the agent's pharmacodynamics (what the drug does to the body) and Be sure to check the license for each image, as many still require you to provide attribution. WebAssign government site. Which leads us to. There are several different Creative Commons licenses. This is a letter from a lawyer instructing you to stop using the image and remove it from your account. Choose Free images from the drop-down menu and enter your search terms to find the images you need. 5, 11 In the U.S., the proportion of adults using social media has increased from 8% to 72% since 2005. WebParticipation in social media by the general public has increased sharply over the past nine years. Fortunately, there are plenty of places to find images to use on social media that wont get you in trouble. To access the image library, start a post in Composer, choose your social network(s) and click Browse your media in the media section. If youre looking for an image to form the basis of a campaign, it may be worth paying a small price to get something thats both legal and unique. Do not contact patients with requests to join your network. Start by entering your search term in the search bar. Vistaprint The term generally refers to Internet-based tools that allow individuals and communities to gather and communicate; to share information, ideas, personal messages, images, and other content; and, in some cases, to collaborate with other users in real time.26 Social media are also referred to as Web 2.0 or social networking. 5, Social media sites provide a variety of features that serve different purposes for the individual user.19 They may include blogs, social networks, video- and photo-sharing sites, wikis, or a myriad of other media, which can be grouped by purpose, serving functions such as:4,7,8, Participation in social media by the general public has increased sharply over the past nine years.5,11 In the U.S., the proportion of adults using social media has increased from 8% to 72% since 2005.5,11 The use of social media is prevalent across all ages and professions and is pervasive around the world.2,8 In 2012, Facebook users exceeded one billion people worldwide, a number that represents one-seventh of the worlds population.2,8 In addition, each day 100 million active Twitter users send more than 65 million tweets, and two billion videos are viewed on YouTube.2 Social media have been linked to highly significant political events, such as the Arab Spring revolution, as well as to widespread societal trends, including the shortening of individuals attention spans and the decline of print news media.5, Social media provide HCPs with tools to share information, to debate health care policy and practice issues, to promote health behaviors, to engage with the public, and to educate and interact with patients, caregivers, students, and colleagues.6,11,14,16 HCPs can use social media to potentially improve health outcomes, develop a professional network, increase personal awareness of news and discoveries, motivate patients, and provide health information to the community.8,11, Physicians most often join online communities where they can read news articles, listen to experts, research medical developments, consult colleagues regarding patient issues, and network.9 There they can share cases and ideas, discuss practice management challenges, make referrals, disseminate their research, market their practices, or engage in health advocacy.14,15 A growing minority of physicians also uses social media to communicate directly with patients to augment clinical care.9,15, A survey of more than 4,000 physicians conducted by the social media site QuantiaMD found that more than 90% of physicians use some form of social media for personal activities, whereas only 65% use these sites for professional reasons.9,14 Nearly a third of physicians have reported participating in social networks.8 However, both personal and professional use of social media by physicians is increasing.3,9,15, Unlike physicians, pharmacists have been relatively slow to adopt social media.1 Much of the growth in the professional use of social media among this group appears to involve pharmacist-specific social networks.1 Surveys have shown that many pharmacists use Facebook.1 Although this use is most often for personal communications, more than 90 pages on Facebook are related to the pharmacy profession, such as the Pharmacists Interest Page, the American Pharmacists Association, and the Cynical Pharmacist.1 Only 10% of pharmacists use Twitter, and a search for pharmacist on LinkedIn identified 274,981 profiles.1, As social networking has evolved, medically focused professional communities have been established.14 These networks are often private and protected from nonmembers, such as the lay public and even members of other health professions.1 Funding sources for these sites vary, with financial support often being provided by professional associations, advertising or data sales, research funding, and pharmaceutical companies.17, Sermo is a physician-only social networking community that verifies the credentials of new members during registration.15 Physicians representing 68 specialties in all 50 states gather on this site to network, to discuss treatment options, and to query peers for expert advice.15 As of April 2014, Sermo boasted a U.S. membership of 260,000 physicians, most of whom use pseudonyms for anonymity. Careers, The author is a consultant medical writer living in New Jersey, Social networking (Facebook, MySpace, Google Plus, Twitter), Content production (blogs [Tumblr, Blogger] and microblogs [Twitter]), Knowledge/information aggregation (Wikipedia), Virtual reality and gaming environments (Second Life). Image copyright is the legal ownership of an image. You may accept all cookies, or choose to manage them individually. WebFlexibility at Every Step Build student confidence, problem-solving and critical-thinking skills by customizing the learning experience. In one study, 57% of consumers said that a hospitals social media presence would strongly influence their choice regarding where to go for services.2 A strong social media presence was also interpreted by 81% of consumers as being an indication that a hospital offers cutting-edge technologies.2 In another study, 12.5% of surveyed health care organizations reported having successfully attracted new patients through the use of social media.9, The rate of social media adoption by nonprofit health care organizations is also increasing.9 The Mayo Clinic became an international leader in such efforts when it established the Social Media Health Network ( in 2010. Social media: a review and tutorial of applications in medicine and health care. They still own the copyright. These sites include ASHP Connect (, which is sponsored by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists; PharmQD (; and The Pharmacist Society (,6 Professional networking forums for nurses include the American Nurses Associations ANANurseSpace (, NursingLink (, and SocialRN (, In addition, HCPs can easily connect with each other via general purpose online social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.8 Facebook is the most popular social media site in the U.S., while LinkedIn is the most popular professional networking site.1,11,17, The blog, a term formed by truncating Web log, is the oldest and most established form of social media, which has been used in medicine since as early as 2004.17 Blogs can reach wide audiences, especially if one writes content that is of significant interest.14 Posts that garner enough interest can be shared and viewed again and again by readers (referred to as going viral).14 Content that goes viral can establish a reputation or an online presence.14, Blogs can also provide the opportunity to publish large amounts of information in a variety of media (text, video, and audio) in an open forum.14 Most blogging platforms allow readers to respond to published content by posting their own comments.14 This enables an ongoing dialogue between the blogger and his or her audience.14 Examples of widely used free long-form blogging platforms include Tumblr (, WordPress (, and Blogger (, Some physicians use blogs to communicate with other HCPs or the public.14 For example, the Clinical Cases blog ( features case studies in a wide range of medical specialties.17 This blog also includes a special section on admission note templates, procedure guides, and related material.17 Blogs are becoming more popular among pharmacists, but approximately two-thirds of these blogs are written anonymously.1, Microblogs provide the most dynamic and concise form of information exchange via social media.17 This format allows users to post a large number of brief messages or updates over a short period.17 Numerous microblogging platforms exist; however, Twitter is the most prominent.17 On Twitter, users publish messages (called tweets) that consist of a maximum of 140 characters.17 Tweets can be supplemented with hyperlinks to other online media, such as videos or websites.17 Tweets can also include hashtags, a form of information indexing that allows people to search for tweets that are related to a particular discussion or topic.17 Hashtags followed by HCPs include #HCSM (for Health Care Social Media), #MDChat, and #Health20.17, There are more than 140 reported uses for Twitter in health care.17 The Penn State College of Medicine has used Twitter to facilitate discussions between students and instructors, to conduct course evaluations, to solicit class responses, and to monitor students progress.17 A Twitter Journal Club also provides advance posts about papers and questions to be discussed, along with a hashtag, so that students, doctors, and anyone interested in the subject can interact.17 Twitter has also been used at medical conferences to discuss and enhance speaker presentations by posting real-time comments from the audience.17 Some physicians have used Twitter to develop a large following, enabling them to reach a broad audience and potentially even affect health policy decisions.14, Wikis are public forum websites featuring text and multimedia content that can be edited by users.17 Wiki is a Hawaiian word meaning quick, which refers to the speed with which information on a wiki can be accessed, added, edited, or deleted.17, Surprisingly, Wikipedia is the most commonly used wiki in the medical community.17 It is often used as a reference by clinicians, despite its known shortcomings, such as errors and narrow breadth of information.5 One study found that 35% of 1,056 pharmacists used Wikipedia, although only 19% trusted it.5 In another survey of more than 1,000 pharmacists, one in five respondents said they trusted Wikipedia, but only one in four knew that anyone could edit the site.1 One reason for the popularity of Wikipedia is its prominence in Google searches.5 A study found that 70% of 35 junior physicians used Wikipedia to find medical information during a week-long period, with 93% citing ease of use as their primary motivation.5, As the accuracy and completeness of Wikipedia are often debated, the drug information on that site was compared with a validated and trusted information source, the Medscape Drug Reference.17 This analysis found that Wikipedia included approximately 76% of the content found in Medscape and had very few factual errors (most were errors of omission).17 In contrast, other studies have found that Wikipedia includes factual errors and has a lack of depth compared to traditionally edited, peer-reviewed, evidence-based information sources.1,21, Other wiki projects emulate Wikipedia in that they crowd-source medical content. A new dimension of health care: systemic review of the uses, benefits, and limitations of social media for health care professionals. Social Media This general-purpose environment, however, is often used for health care education.17 One study found 68 health-related virtual locations on Second Life.17 These included the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) education center, which aims to influence the real-life decision-making abilities of visitors.17 Health carespecific MUVEs are typically used for one purpose, such as medical education (e.g., CliniSpace []), surgical simulation (e.g., OpenSim []), or psychiatric treatment (e.g., InWorld Solutions []).17, The most popular social media sites for physicians are those where they can participate in online communities, listen to experts, and network and communicate with colleagues regarding patient issues.9 The use of social media by pharmacists also frequently focuses on communication with colleagues.1 The social-networking platforms used for professional networking are often solely accessible and specifically cater to people within these professions.12 Besides clinical topics, discussions on these sites address diverse subjects, such as ethics, politics, biostatistics, practice management, career strategies, and even dating in a medical environment.17 They can also provide a supportive environment for HCPs who subspecialize.8, Another example of professional networking among HCPs is crowdsourcing, which involves harnessing the knowledge and skills of a community to solve problems or to gather information and opinions.7,15 Social media can also be used to connect HCPs in third-world countries with specialists in more medically advanced locations.12 For example, surgical procedures can be streamed via the Internet and questions can be asked via Twitter in real time.12 Thus, social media provide a new communication channel for HCPs to network professionally to share and exchange medical information in ways and at a pace that was never before possible.7, The communication capabilities provided by social media are also being used to improve clinical education.5 The high usage rate of social media by 18- to 29-year-olds has motivated the adaptation of clinical curricula to reflect the changing habits and culture of incoming students.1,5 Many studies have described the use of social media tools to enhance clinical students understanding of communication, professionalism, and ethics.2 Universities are also using social media to recruit students, to increase access to academic libraries, and to create virtual classrooms and office hours, as well as other unique learning experiences.2, Social media are also being widely implemented in undergraduate pharmacy curricula.1 One-third of pharmacy programs have reported using Twitter in some capacity.1 A 2011 survey also found that 38% of pharmacy faculty members use Facebook for teaching, with half reporting that they plan to use social media in the future.1 In one example, an instructor in a geriatric pharmacotherapy course at the University of Rhode Island used Facebook to encourage class discussions and to connect students with senior citizens who had volunteered to participate in the course.1 This experience improved student perceptions of older adults and also introduced the senior citizens to Facebook.1 At Auburn University, instructors established Twitter handles so that pharmacy students could participate in class discussions anonymously.1 By semesters end, 81% of students felt Twitter had let them express opinions they wouldnt have shared otherwise, although 71% thought that Twitter had been distracting.1, Online social media platforms have also influenced the educational experience for nurses, with one survey reporting that 53% of nursing schools are now using these tools.2 For example, Twitter has been used to enhance the clinical decision-making skills of nursing students in critical care situations.2 The students viewed videos of clinical scenarios and tweeted their observations on the patients condition for instructor feedback.2 Other uses of Twitter in nursing education include posting a live stream of student insights during class, or creating a class hashtag so that resources such as videos, websites, articles, and photographs could be shared.2 Media sharing sites such as YouTube can also be used in the classroom to stimulate discussion, to illustrate a point, or to reinforce a concept.2 Students can view a video and then respond to questions that promote clinical reasoning.2, The incorporation of social media into clinical education has met with mixed reviews, however.5 Courses that incorporate such tools have generally been positively received, but in some cases, students have reported feeling that the use of Facebook for teaching purposes is an intrusion into their social lives.5 Balancing the enhanced communication opportunities provided by social media with the downside of increased distraction in an educational environment is also a challenge.5 Unfortunately, standards guiding the appropriate use of social media tools in education are in their infancy.2, Health care organizations, including hospitals, health systems, professional societies, pharmaceutical companies, patient advocacy groups, and pharmacy benefit companies, are using social media for many purposes.6,7 Uses include communicating with the community and patients; enhancing organizational visibility; marketing products and services; establishing a venue for acquiring news about activities, promotions, and fund-raising; providing a channel for patient resources and education; and providing customer service and support.4,8,9,14 It has been estimated that 70% of U.S. health care organizations use social media, with Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube being the most popular.2,9 Blogs are also used by many medical centers and hospitals.17, Studies have shown that this use of social media can greatly enhance the image and visibility of a medical center or hospital. 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