organism definition biology quizlet

Home Biology Mitosis- Definition, purpose, stages, applications with diagram. Microbiology 205A Ch. 5 The most common isotope of that element has 117 neutrons in each of its atoms. As prophase progresses, the chromatids become shorter and thicker, and two sister chromatids of each chromosome are held together by a special DNA-containing region, called the. Fermentation is extremely inefficient in terms of the number of ATP molecules produced for each molecule of glucose metabolized. All the F1 had lacerate leaves (jaggededged leaves). Spindle fibers attach to kinetochores during _____. Consider four possible explanations for why the last two carbons in acetate are converted to CO2 in a complex cyclic pathway rather than through a simple, linear reaction. If an organism normally has 34 chromosomes, how many molecules of DNA should there be in the G1 phase of the cell cycle? Does the cell contain twice as much DNA in this phase as it did in the G1 phase? When would chromatin be the most tightly coiled? Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is an example of one mechanism by which extranuclear inheritance can occur. In which example are the other two carbon atoms from? If a eukaryotic cell is in the G1 phase of the cell cycle, which statement about the cell's chromosomes must be correct? B) transport protons into the intermembrane space of the mitochondria, where they become concentrated. D) Golgi apparatus, ribosome, mitochondria. The energy released is used to _____. Choose the term that best describes the type of energy stored in the water at the top of the dam. D)the Citric Acid cycle and the electron transport chain. It is the longest phase of the cell cycle and is followed by the M phase of the previous cell cycle. AP Biology Chapter 23 Which of the following does not occur during mitosis? Phenotypes can also be influenced throughout an organism's lifetime by - the expression of particular genes. Which of the following can carry out photosynthesis? Define the alleles for tail texture as US for a straight tail and UC for a curly tail. complex I, coenzyme Q, complex III, cytochrome C, complex IV, oxygen. The end of the migration of the daughter chromosomes to the poles marks the beginning of the telophase. Suppose that a rabbit breeder notices two individuals in a litter with large, round noses and names this trait the clown trait. Which of the following is a function of the S phase in the cell cycle? Although Bill's mother and father underwent normal puberty, his two maternal uncles (his mother's brothers) underwent precocious puberty. Glycolysis results in the partial oxidation of glucose to pyruvate. What would happen to plants and animals if decomposers did not recycle nutrients? If an mRNA transcript is made that includes this sequence, what would be the anticodon on the tRNA that would bind to this corresponding mRNA sequence? The cell cycle control systems of cancer cells differ from those of normal cells. In C4 and CAM plants A)It is split to become incorporated into sugars. LETRS Session 8 no; Sample answer : y Side Length ( units ) 1234 Area ( unit s 2) 149 16 The Which statement describes the citric acid cycle? \end{matrix} Two dogs mate and produce a litter in which 75% of the puppies have long ears. G2 S mitosis G1 the mitotic phase and more. By the end of prometaphase, the sister chromatids are attached to the spindle fibers on the opposite ends and are held on the metaphase plate. A. a simple machine that has a grooved wheel that holds a rope B. a simple machine consisting of two circular objects of different sizes C. a simple machine that is a straight, slanted surface D. a device that helps people do work by changing the way work is done E. a simple machine that has a bar that pivots at a fixed point. Tissue culture is based on the process of mitosis, where a cell undergoes division to form multiple tissues. However, the oxidation of the remaining two carbon atomsin acetateto CO2 requires a complex, eight-step pathwaythe citric acid cycle. A) It is the initial electron releaser when split. red blood cells in the human bloodstream do not have mitochondria. B) Sugar + Oxygen Carbon dioxide+ Water + ATP. The _________ are the organizing centers for microtubules involved in separating chromosomes during mitosis. A) Water + Carbon dioxide + Energy = Sugar + Oxygen. On the way back, protons turn ATP synthase turbines and produce ATP. C) To convert the chemical energy of sugars into the chemical energy that fuels life's processes. Which of the following is the best definition of oxidative phosphorylation? The chemiosmotic hypothesis states that the synthesis of ATP generates a proton gradient that leads to electron flow through an electron transport chain. S-phase involves the replication of nuclear DNA and the synthesis of histone proteins. Which of the following events would cause the cell cycle to arrest? Because it interferes with the assembly of micro-tubules, its effectiveness must be related to, One difference between cancer cells and normal cells is that cancer cells, continue to divide even when they are tightly packed together, The decline of MPF activity at the end of mitosis is due to, In the cells of some organisms, mitosis occurs without cytokinesis. Figure: Cytokinesis in Animal Cell and Plant Cell. Fermentation results in a net production of 2 ATP per glucose molecule. C) On the rough endoplasmic reticulum and in the cytoplasm. In what ways are chloroplasts similar to mitochondria? C) By breaking a bond within an ATP molecule. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like small body single color chromosomes same to produce without, lack of, not self both, double, one between moving thread many two before cell end segment, body section, During _____ both the contents of the nucleus and the cytoplasm are divided. In eukaryotes, extranuclear inheritance occurs when genetic information is transmitted by mechanisms other than through nuclear DNA. Which of the following statements is correct regarding chromosomes? a. }$, for x=0, 1, 2,.(a) Find the probability that in a specific 20-second time period, more than 8 cars arrive at the intersection. The first sign of cleavage in animal cells is constriction of the plasma membrane during anaphase. What is the role of chlorophyll in photosynthesis? Mitosis is a short period of chromosome condensation, segregation, and cytoplasmic division. Suppose two independently assorting genes are involved in the pathway that determines fruit color in squash. In interphase, metabolism of the cell increases, and it is often termed the most active phase of the cell cycle. Which of the following is a way in which gene expression can be regulated before transcription? Which is true of substrate level phosphorylation? What is/are the most important output(s) of glycolysis? \begin{matrix} Rastogi SC (2006). Suppose that in unicorns, two autosomal loci interact to determine the type of tail. Design of a Fermenter Individual 4 had one daughter and two sons, and individual 6 had two daughters and one son. The nuclear envelope of animal cells has nuclear pores while the nuclear envelope of plant cells does not. B) DNA contains the same nucleotides as RNA. D) Inherited variation in a population is a necessary precondition for natural selection to operate. After extensive biochemical tests, you determine that the organism uses the same nucleotides as life on Earth, that it uses 50 different amino acids, and that each "codon" in its genome consists of four bases, not three, resulting in 256 possible combinations. Thought (also called thinking) is the mental process in which beings form psychological associations and models of the world. Which of these enters the citric acid cycle? In eukaryotes, the components of the electron transport chain are located in the ____. Feedback inhibition enables cells to adjust their rate of cellular respiration to match their demand for ATP. Describe two differences between cytokinesis (division of the cytoplasm) in plant and animal cells: (a) _____ (b) _____. Species is the rudimentary unit of classification in biology and biodiversity. Change over time}\\ Image Source: Wikipedia, Figure: Cytokinesis. This session has been divided into two parts. Suppose that allele D produces long toes and allele d produces normal toes. During which stage of cellular respiration is the majority of the ATP produced? Microsoft takes the gloves off as it battles Sony for its Activision without the ___________ site on molecule dna, ___________ cannot bind to the dna to begin the process of ___________, Refer to the following information on the genetic code. ATP is not produced directly by the ETC but instead via the proton gradient generated during electron transport through the ETC. What does the chemiosmotic hypothesis claim? Harvesting energy from the bonds of several different The constriction invariably occurs in the plane of the metaphase plate, at right angles to the long axis of the mitotic spindle apparatus. This organism results in the disease ranging from mild typhoid fever to life-threatening septic shock. Mitosis is also involved in the repairmen and regeneration of body structures like in the starfish. the cells get smaller with each generation. The biotech company Medicago expresses viral genes in tobacco plants to generate flu vaccines. Which answer best explains why organisms that have an ETC as well as fermentation pathways seldom ferment pyruvate if the electron acceptor at the end of the ETC is available? The start codon is a three nucleotide sequence, AUG, in mRNA that informs the ribosome the exact location where protein synthesis should begin. Select the correct sequence of steps as energy is extracted from glucose during cellular respiration, B) glycolysis acetyl CoA citric acid cycle electron transport chain. Select the ultimate source of energy for nearly every organism on this planet. Prokaryotes lack membrane-enclosed organelles and thus do not have nuclei. Crossing Siamese with Burmese can produce the Tonkinese cat breed, which has coat and point color that is intermediate to the Siamese and Burmese parents. The mitosis occurs in the somatic cells, and it is meant for the multiplication of cell numbers during embryogenesis and blastogenesis of plants and animals. In dividing cells, most the cell's growth occurs during _______. BBC Bitesize Determine the mode of inheritance of the zigzaggene that would yield each result set. A person who is heterozygous for long earlobes mates with a person who is homozygous for normal earlobes. Explain how molecules other than glucose can be used as energy sources. Suppose it is known from large amounts of historical data that } X , the number of cars that arrive at a specific intersection during a 20-second time period, is characterized by the following discrete probability function: $f(x)=e^{-6}\frac{6^x}{x! In the citric acid cycle, ATP molecules are produced by _____. Tsar Nicholas Romanov, his wife, Tsarina Alexandra, and their five children were placed under house arrest, but disappeared in the summer of 1918. Which organelle functions to break down and recycle large molecules? (Note: Remember that more than one genotype can produce this phenotype.). What happens to the ATP molecule after it has been used to do work? The allele for a tail, T, is dominant over the allele for no tail, t. If a unicorn has a tail, then alleles with an unknown dominance relationship at a second locus determine whether the tail is curly or straight. Early twentieth century Russia was in great turmoil as the Bolshevik Revolution ended 300 years of monarchical rule. The splitting of each centromere during prophase is caused by an increase in cytosolic Ca. S. Typhi is Gram-negative organisms that are rod-shaped and non-sporing with peritrichous flagella. Mitosis has been utilized for many lab-based techniques in molecular biology and biotechnology. Which is the correct pathway of a protein through a cell as it is being made? In horses, the Overo gene, Ov, produces a white splotch pattern on the coat. Mastering Biology Chapter 9 reduction of acetaldehyde, derived from pyruvate. How might water pollution result in a red tide. - intermediate coat color in Tonkinese demonstrates incomplete dominance. An individual inherits their mitochondrial DNA from their mother. photorespiration photosynthesis a shift to C4 photosynthesis the light reactions the opening of stomata, In C4 and CAM plants carbon dioxide is fixed in the _____ of mesophyll cells. B) Green light is the wavelength of light that is reflected instead of absorbed by the chloroplasts. After breeding the rabbits with unusual nose shapes to wildtype individuals for several generations, he decides to cross rabbits from families with a history of the clown and Pinocchio traits. After studying a freshly discovered meteor, you are astounded to find a single-celled organism living in it, representing the world's first extraterrestrial life-form. Compare and contrast prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells. one parent is heterozygous, and the other is homozygous for short ears. The mass number of a certain element is 195. Why do some leaves change color (red, yellow, orange, etc.) Ch. 8 Sapling HW Notes The symbol Bb represents the bearded allele and B+ represents the beardless allele. Leigh's disease is a mitochondrially inherited disease with symptoms that include seizures, fatigue, impaired reflexes, breathing problems, and ataxia. a sex-limited trait because the defect occurs only in males and the gene involved is autosomal. Definition A. Which term describes ATP production resulting from the capture of light energy by chlorophyll? Animal cell size and shape. Process that releases energy by breaking down glucose and other food molecules in the presence of oxygen. Which part(s) of cellular respiration require(s) oxygen gas? Which of these is NOT a product of the citric acid cycle? what is an input but not an output of glycolysis? From DNA to RNA C) Sugar and oxygen gas are the outputs of photosynthesis and the inputs of cellular respiration. These genes interact with each other to produce the squash colors seen in the grocery store. Suppose a species of tulip has three alleles for the gene that codes for flower color. Image Source: Khan Academy. The diagram illustrates the process of fermentation, which is used by many cells in the absence of oxygen. Events like the disappearance of mitotic apparatus, reduction in the viscosity of cytoplasm followed by synthesis of RNA take place during telophase. (a) Describe how you could carry out this study. During prophase, the cell becomes spheroid while the cytoplasm becomes more refractile and viscous and pale. - two gene, with a dominant allele at either or both loci. C) To convert solar energy into the chemical energy of sugars. cleavage furrow formation and cytokinesis. College Bio Chapter 4 How will this affect the cell? The central dogma of molecular biology describes the two-step process, transcription and translation, by which the information in genes flows into proteins: DNA RNA protein. Cell and Molecular Biology. \text{ } & \text{C. Preserved remains of an ancient organism}\\ Labels can be used once, more than once, or not at all., Drag one of the white cells (representing gametes) to the See Concept 17.1 (Page 338), (chapter 17 reading quiz) Where C) two pyruvic acid and two NADH molecules. Mitosis is the process of cell division in which one cell gives rise to two genetically identical daughter cells, resulting in cell duplication and reproduction. A footnote in Microsoft's submission to the UK's Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has let slip the reason behind Call of Duty's absence from the Xbox Game Pass library: Sony and About 510. The copying of chromosomes occurs during which of the following phases of the cell cycle? Oxygen has extremely high electronegativity compared with other electron acceptors, resulting in a greater release of energy during electron transport and more proton pumping. B) DNA remains in the nucleus at all times; RNA is produced in the nucleus but then leaves the nucleus. Which of the following statements correctly describe how this company uses gene expression to generate the vaccines? In electron transport, high-energy electrons "fall" to oxygen through a series of reactions. C) Both photosynthesis and cellular respiration. It may be enough energy to turn a mill wheel or an electricity-generating turbine. most of the ATP produced during cellular respiration is generated through. Polygenic inheritance refers to the cumulative effect of two or more genes on a single trait. (Note that you should not consider the effect on ATP synthesis in glycolysis or the citric acid cycle.). Which of the following particles can pass through the ATP synthase channel? Interzonal fibers expand and support the movement of chromosomes towards the pole. The C allele is dominant over all others, cch is dominant over ch and c, ch is dominant over c, and c is recessive to all other alleles. (d) A habitat describes the role of an organism in its ecosystem. Assume that long earlobes in humans are an autosomal dominant trait that exhibits 30% penetrance. Ribosomes are directly associated with which process? D) the sugars made in photosynthesis, which were made from carbon dioxide. The first and most obvious is it acts as an interior skeleton that supports the rest of the cell. In 1958, two scientists, R.M. Which of the following would result in darker wing spots? a. the study of past societies b. the study of individuals and their personalities c. the study of past cultures d. the study of human behavior in society, 2. Optimum pH is important for the growth of the organism; therefore, the fermenter must be equipped with a pH controller. What is the main by-product of cellular respiration? Which of the following statements can be concluded based on the following graph?, Which of the following are parts of the chloroplast?, If gramicidin is added to an actively respiring muscle cell, how would it affect the rates of electron transport, proton pumping, and ATP synthesis in oxidative phosphorylation? b. The given pedigree shows three generations of a family affected by a genetic disorder Z. the first male was bb Ee and the second male was bb EE. Of the F2, 249 had lacerate leaves and 16 had normal leaves. Optimum pH is important for the growth of the organism; therefore, the fermenter must be equipped with a pH controller. Which of the following terms is paired with its correct definition? Which stage of cellular respiration requires oxygen that you breathe? The anaphase begins abruptly with the synchronous splitting of each chromosome into its sister chromatids, called daughter chromosomes, separating for the centromere. C) It provides a series of tracks along which vesicles can move throughout the cell. Lastly, during prophase, the nucleolus gradually disintegrates, and this marks the end of prophase. the ethanol resulting from fermentation of glucose only accounts of four of the six starting carbon atoms. what by-product of anaerobic metabolism would you expect to build up in the bloodstream of a mammalian host? The molecule can be charged, stored, and used as needed. Different cells in the body like the cells on the skin and red blood cells are continuously replaced by mitosis. ATP levels would fall at first, decreasing the inhibition of PFK and increasing the rate of ATP production. D) The heat of cooking bakes out the alcohol. genetic changes alter the function of the cancer cell's protein products, Jane B. Reece, Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Peter V Minorsky, Steven A. Wasserman, Campbell Biology: Concepts and Connections, Eric J. Simon, Jane B. Reece, Jean L. Dickey, Kelly A. Hogan, Martha R. Taylor. A) They act as a spool around which the DNA is wrapped. During telophase, the events of prophase occur in reverse sequence. D) Plants perform photosynthesis within chloroplasts and perform cellular respiration within mitochondria. Figure: Late G2. The growth of tissues or cells outside of the body of the organism in a liquid, semi-solid, or solid growth medium is called tissue culture. Cytokinesis often, but not always, accompanies _____. Predict how many molecules of carbon dioxide are produced from the mitochondrial "burning" of one molecule of glucose? Which of the statements accurately describes both pleiotropy and polygenic inheritance? d. toward the area where it is more concentrated. True or false? True or false? Based on your the glycolysis stage is responsible for producing most of the ATP during cellular respiration, pyruvate oxidation forms the same number of NADH (per glucose molecule) as glycolysis. The DNA - is then transcribed to produce -, using the DNA as a template. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2022 The Biology Notes. In multiple organisms, mitosis is the method of asexual reproduction. In mitochondrial electron transport, what is the direct role of O2? Biology Exam Ch1-4 Horses with no Ov copies are solid colored, ovov. The overo phenotype is seen only when a horse has one Ov copy, Ovov. The Siamese cat breed has a lightcolored body and darkcolored head, tail, and feet, all of which are called points. Interphase is a part of the cell cycle where the cell copies its DNA as preparation for the M phase (mitotic phase). cyanobacteria are bacteria. Which stage of photosynthesis, if any, can function in the dark? In C3 plants the conservation of water promotes _____. During this phase, the synthesis of RNA and proteins required for the cell continues. Identify the stage (or stages) of cellular respiration that occurs entirely outside of the mitochondria. Chloroplast membrane vesicles are equilibrated in a simple solution of pH 5 . Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the offspring of a genetic cross between two purebred organisms with different genotypes called?, Classify each example as either a character or trait of a pea plant., How did Mendel use self-pollination and cross-pollination techniques in his experiments with flower color to observe the basic patterns chapter 7&8 What effect would this have on gene expression? Aida crossed a homozygous brown fish with a homozygous white fish. Why Replicate DNA? $$, Connect the following terms to their definitions. What should be the second amino acid in the protein translated from the mRNA sequence below? \text{ } & \text{B. what is there fate during nuclear division (mitosis). A nuclear envelope reassembles around each group of chromosomes to form two daughter nuclei. Made with by Sagar Aryal. C) No, other organisms, such as certain types of fungi and protists, have vacuoles that serve different functions. Prop 30 is supported by a coalition including CalFire Firefighters, the American Lung Association, environmental organizations, electrical workers and businesses that want to improve Californias air quality by fighting and preventing wildfires and reducing air pollution from vehicles. Which amino acid does the mRNA codon GUU code for? quizlet Malelimited precocious puberty results from a rare, sexlimited autosomal allele (P) that is dominant over the allele for normal puberty (p) and is expressed only in males. Can energy be harvested by the cells from glucose without oxygen? B) Transcription occurs in the nucleus, and translation occurs in the cytoplasm. You can use a label once, more than once, or not at all., Drag one label into each space at the right of the table. EXAM 2 BIOLOGY Where do the molecules used as the inputs of the Calvin cycles (ATP and NADPH) come from? Image Source: Wikipedia. What is the role of chloroplasts in animals? Identify the role of carbon dioxide in photosynthesis. What is the role of the histone proteins of the chromatin? _independent variable A. in an experiment, the group exposed to the same conditions as the experimental group except for one independent variable B. the study of life C. living things maintaining a relatively stable internal environment D. a molecule containing the universal genetic code E. a point of oxidation of FADH2 to FAD by _____ results in lower _____ being pumped across the inner membrane, and therefore yields fewer ____ molecules when compared to the oxidation of NADH to NAD+ by ______.,, 2%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, <1%, <1%, <1%, <1%, <1%, <1%, <1%, <1%, <1%, <1%, <1%, <1%, <1%, <1% An allelic series determines coat color in rabbits: C (full color), cch (chinchilla, gray color), ch (Himalayan, white with black extremities), and c (albino, all white). Which of the following statements is typically false? A phenotype is created from a gene via gene expression. A substance that moves across a cell membrane without using the cell's energy tends to move a. away from the area of equilibrium. About Our Coalition - Clean Air California Now, the classification of living things benefits us to gain a better understanding of the world we live in, our connection to living things, and understanding Biology better overall. The electrons ultimately reduce O2 to water in the final step of electron transport. Fewer protons are pumped across the inner mitochondrial membrane when FADH2 is the electron donor than when NADH is the electron donor. Identify the principal role of photosynthesis. How do we know green light is not absorbed by chlorophyll? A scientist crosses the fly with vestigial wings, shown on the bottomleft of the figure, to the fly with normal wings, shown on the right, and rear the progeny at 31C. But each gene can also be which examples represent the reduced forms of the two major electron carries? Image Source: Wikipedia, Figure: Prometaphase. (t/f), A family tree shows relationships and is, therefore, a good example of a natural system of classification. What is this shared characteristic? Place the following steps of transcription in the correct order. In some dogs, the long ear phenotype is an autosomal dominant trait. True or false? Before a cell duplicates and is divided into new daughter cells through either mitosis or meiosis, biomolecules and organelles must be copied to be distributed among the cells. If you were to expose cells that are undergoing cellular respiration to a radioactive oxygen isotope in the form of O2, which of the following molecules would you expect to be radiolabeled? Food molecules in the pathway that determines fruit color in Tonkinese demonstrates incomplete dominance leads electron! This phenotype. ) 8 cars arrive at the top of the world: // '' > Bio. Earlobes in humans are an autosomal dominant trait other than glucose can be used as energy.! 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