executive privilege quizlet

The _____ branch of government is responsible for enforcing this statue. The ________ clauses in the Constitution collectively prohibit states from enacting laws that unduly discriminate in favor of their residents. Which two of the following must be included in supporting documentation for all governmentwide Commercial Purchase card Transactions? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Many of the delegates to the Constitutional Convention wanted to create a very __________. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The ________ was a document that restricted the newly created U.S. federal government from levying and collecting taxes, regulating commerce with foreign countries, and regulating interstate commerce. If transactions not made by the Cardholder appear on the Statement of Account, the Cardholder should dispute them with the card-issuing bank within how many days of the transaction date? What are three advantages of using the governmentwide commercial purchase card? What do the authors mean by this? Federal statutory law (28 USC 1738) provides that: Such Acts, records and judicial proceedings or copies thereof, so authenticated, shall have the same full faith and credit in every court within the United States and its Territories and Possessions as they have by law or usage in the courts of such State, Territory or Possession from which they are taken.[17]. Full faith and credit ought to be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings, of every other state; and the legislature shall, by general laws, prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings, shall be proved, and the effect which judgments, obtained in one state, shall have in another. Which of the following is an example of delegated powers? The lawfulness of government classifications based on a protected class is examined using a(n) ________ test. they are not subject to criminal charges because of their attorney-client privilege. Which of the following is not a main function of the U.S. Constitution? A merchant does not accept payment by credit card, The secretary of defense authorizes and increases in the micro-purchase threshold to 20,000 to support declared contingency operations in Afghanistan. what are three violations of these executive orders? Which of the following is true about how courts address equal protection cases? the permanent agencies that perform defined management tasks for the president. When the states ratified the Constitution, they delegated ________ powers to the federal government. Once you establish a good working relationship with a particular supplier, you should make all of your purchases from that supplier. Which of the following is correct with respect to freedom of speech? Which three of the following describe the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card? d. The representatives who adopt this model are too influenced by special interest groups. Obtain Approval from the Agency/Organization Program Coordinator. The full faith and credit clause was never used to force a state to recognize a marriage it did not wish to recognize. "[7], At the 1787 Constitutional Convention, James Madison said that he wanted to supplement that provision in the Articles of Confederation, to let Congress "provide for the execution of Judgments in other States, under such regulations as might be expedient. Which of the following terms is defined as "the intentional use of the government-issued charge card in violation of applicable regulations". Congress adjourns during a ten-day period after presenting the president with a bill, and the president takes no action. Collectively, the thousands of officials and staffers who work for, assist, or advise the chief executive could be said to make up the institutional presidency and to give the president a capacity for action that no single individual could duplicate. Which of the following is an agreement that is not binding solely because the government representative who made it lacked the authority to enter into that agreement on behalf of the government? When Congress passes sweeping legislation, it often delegates significant power to the executive branch, which gives the president. United States Declaration of Independence Executive orders may be used by the president for which of the following objectives? Which of the following American wars was approved of by Congress through a resolution and not a formal declaration of war? The most important and largest agency in the Executive Office of the President is the. Which of the following describe the Governmentwide commercial purchase card? a presidential veto that is automatically triggered if the president does not act on a given piece of legislation passed during the final 10 days of a legislative session. Members of the official Cabinet may or may not also be members of the Kitchen Cabinet. If this requirement is challenged under freedom of speech, which of the following is most likely to occur? See Wisconsin v. Pelican Insurance Co., 127 U.S. 265; Huntington v. Attrill, 146 U.S. 657; Finney v. Guy, 189 U.S. 335; see also Clarke v. Clarke, 178 U.S. 186; Olmsted v. Olmsted, 216 U.S. 386; Hood v. McGehee, 237 U.S. 611; cf. Homeland security The 1790 act was the progenitor of an act that is codified at, Section 118 of the Constitution of Australia, See Robert Jackson, Full Faith and Credit: The Lawyer's Clause of the Constitution (1945). B)required by law to inform Congress of any executive agreement within 60 days of its having been reached. A document reflecting all purchases and credits that have been posted to the CH's account during a 30-day billing cycle. This is known as a, Under the original Constitution, senators, The role the House of Representatives plays in impeachments can best be compared with that of a, Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole, Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry. Which idea of representation says that a legislator should be viewed as someone whom voters hire to represent their interests? Who is responsible for making regular reviews of existing cardholders and their monthly spending limits? [22][23] Ultimately, the U.S. Supreme Court in United States v. Windsor struck down DOMA as a violation of the Constitution's Equal Protection Clause and did not address the Full Faith and Credit Clause in its decision.[24]. The national convention is important to the power of the presidency because. Which first spouse had considerable policy influence while her husband was in office? Several Personnel in your office have been needing new laptops, so this is a good time to take advantage of the increase and purchase 20 laptops at $500 each, for a total price of $10,000, DoD policy allows for governmentwide commercial purchase card billing statement certification prior to verification that all items submitted for payment have been received in order to, 10 United States Code 2784 requires specific corrective actions for Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program violations, Which three of the following constitute cardholder fraud, A cardholder's unauthorized purchase of power tools for personal use, in step 12 of the governmentwide commercial purchase card program process, what are three Situations in which the acceptor must ensure written independent receipt and acceptance, In order to use the governmentwide Commercial Purchase card for simplified acquisitions up to $25,000 outside the united states and its jurisdictions, the cardholder, merchant, and supply delivery/service execution must all be outside the united states and its jurisdictions. B Law Ch 4 Questions The ________ provides that federal law takes precedence over state or local law. Which of the following would take precedence over a state constitution under the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution? The Contemporary Bases of Presidential Power. to more effectively manage the executive branch and carry out existing laws and policies, The heads of major government departments and agencies collectively make up the. Senator? How long is the term of office for a U.S. For students. Which president used town hall meetings to effectively communicate with the American public? Chp 12 Linux (/ l i n k s / LEE-nuuks or / l n k s / LIN-uuks) is an open-source Unix-like operating system based on the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991, by Linus Torvalds. The legislative branch of government is referred to as ________ as it is comprised of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The framers thought a unitary executive would be energetic and thus better able to protect the nation's interests. Gives DoD access to information about what its components buy, Which two statements about managing accounts are true, Require a Primary Approving/billing Official, Whos responsibility is it to comply with Government agency standards of conduct, What is the first step to follow when a cardholder becomes aware of a lost or stolen card or check, Determine when and where the card/checks were last seen//////. "[12] In 1813, the Supreme Court interpreted this federal statute, in the leading case of Mills v. Duryee, where the judgment of a New York court was used in a local District of Columbia court. Which of the following would likely violate the freedom of religion protections in the U.S. Constitution? An equal protection challenge to a statute that treats adults of different ages differently would be decided by using what standard? In 1790, shortly after the Constitution had been ratified, Congress took action under the Full Faith and Credit Clause, enacting that "the records and judicial proceedings, authenticated as aforesaid, shall have such faith and credit given to them in every Court within the United States, as they have by law or usage in the Courts of the state from whence the said records are or shall be taken. About Quizlet. a. "[8] By September 1, 1787, negotiations at the Constitutional Convention had led to the following draft which included supplementary language as Madison had requested, similar to what the committee of the Continental Congress had reported in 1781:[9]. Instead of treating that agreement like a treaty, Clinton submitted it for a simple majority vote of Congress. In evaluating an equal protection challenge to this law, a court would use: A state enacts a statute that permits one minute of mediation or voluntary prayer at the beginning of the school day. "[1], If the legal pronouncements of one state conflict with the public policy of another state, federal courts in the past have been reluctant to force a state to enforce the pronouncements of another state in contravention of its own public policy. Which of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program's mandatory oversight procedures is a consolidation of the previous Monthly Agency/Organization Program Coordinator Reviews? That means the impact could spread far beyond the agencys payday lending rule. a presidential foreign policy advisory council composed of the president, the vice president, the secretary of state, the secretary of defense, and other officials invited by the president. It is the name for a member of Whose Responsibility is it to comply with government agency standards of conduct? What is the result of the "effects on interstate commerce" test? Which of the governmentwide commercial purchase card program's mandatory oversight procedures involves the approving/billing official documenting findings and disciplinary category determinations? Which of the following is correct regarding freedom of religion under the U.S. Constitution? An Unauthorized commitment is an agreement that is not binding solely because the agreement involved a purchase amount above the micro-purchase threshold. Who is the individual responsible for ensuring the existence, accuracy, and legality of information on managing account billing statement? Congressional leaders form ______ committees when they want to take up an issue that falls between the jurisdiction of existing committees, to highlight an issue, or to investigate a particular problem. In responding to a constitutional challenge to the Computer Decency Act, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled which of the following about the Act? Which of the following is a form of unprotected speech? What President Clinton did was, Generally speaking, popular support for a president, If a president claims that his or her election victory amounts to an order from the American people to enact new economic policies, he or she is claiming. what are three violations of these executive orders? 63 C)only required by law to inform Congress of an executive agreement reached with another country if the executive agreement involves the transfer of military technology. The president's expressed powers fall into five categoriesmilitary, judicial, diplomatic, executive, and legislativethat are the source of some of the most important powers on which the president can draw. an institutional resource of presidential power. If the federal government has chosen not to regulate an area of interstate commerce that it has the power to regulate under its Commerce Clause powers, this area of commerce is subject to the ________. Criminal Law Final. 1. The concept of federal law taking precedence over state or local law is commonly called the ________. In step 10 of the governmentwide commercial purchase card program, what are three pieces of information that should be included in the cardholder purchase log. ________occurs when a member of Congress makes resources available to government officials. A treaty requires a two-thirds Senate ratification vote. (Article I, Section 8) and to the president. Splitting what would have been an 11'000 purchase into two transactions, each of which falls under the micro-purchase threshold, is: Which of the following is the term for a shipment of supplies or equipment that is delayed along the transportation chain and will not move until all problems are resolved? Encourage a balanced federal budget B. Chinese Exclusion Act announcements made by the president when signing bills into law, often presenting the president's interpretation of the law. Which of the following is the best definition of a constituent? However, the state authority denies the tribe permission to open a casino in its own territory. As the leading actor in U.S. foreign policy, the president is known as. attempted to limit the president's use of troops in military action without congressional approval. Which of the following statements is true of the United States' Foreign Commerce Clause? News. President Lincoln mobilizing troops at the outbreak of the Civil War. The Senate's constitutional power of advice and consent extends to which of the following? Which of the following are you authorized to accept? Vanessa was born to American parents from a minority group in Miami. 1. In recent years, approximately what percentage of House members seeking re-election won their race? The president's executive power consists of the ability to appoint, remove, and supervise all executive officers, and appoint all federal judges (with Senate approval). The act declares, that the record, duly authenticated, shall have such faith and credit as it has in the state court from whence it is taken. There's a lot here, some of the questions I didn't get to and there's till even more that I haven't seen yet. In addition to pressuring members of Congress to vote a certain way on a bill, interest groups also have substantial influence in. In accordance to the Freedom of Speech Clause, which of the following is valid? Linux is typically packaged as a Linux distribution.. Microsoft says a Sony deal with Activision stops Call of Duty Law test. How can a president's veto be overridden by Congress? The company has a unit in North Carolina that imports Fierra automobiles from its parent company in Germany and assembles them. The purpose of this law is to prevent the car companies from trying to market cars with more horsepower than those of their competitors. [19] Some scholars viewed DOMA as a violation of the Full Faith and Credit Clause. As a tool for achieving political goals, presidents have found ___________________ to be mostly unreliable. Ensure adequate Funds are available to make the payment. A group of students organizing a protest march would be an instance of ________ speech. The most common occupation among members of Congress before coming to Congress is, The powers and resources available to government officials that are used to favor supporters are called. constitutional powers that are assigned to one governmental agency but that are exercised by another agency with the express permission of the first. Does the law violate the Constitution? Congress enacts and present to President; he has 10 days to enact or veto. Which of the following is most likely true? Santo belongs to the Eliok tribe in an Indian reservation in southern Nevada. Advertise with us. Which of the following is true regarding obscene speech? The ________ requires that government statutes, ordinances, regulations, and other laws be clear on their face and not overly broad in scope. the president "shall take care that laws be faithfully executed", specific powers granted by the Constitution to Congress. A(n) ______ has the same status as a treaty, but does not require Senate approval. an agreement, made between the president and another country, that has the force of a treaty but does not require the Senate's 'advice and consent.'. Which of the following is most likely true? This argument cannot be supported. At or below the micro-purchase Threshold from any vendor-Correct, What is the artificial intelligence data mining platform that automatically analyzes the DOD' Governmentwide commercial Purchase card data to identify high-risk transactions. Created in 1939, the EOP includes the OMB, the CEA, the NSC, and other agencies. However, last month, Kingsland violated a trading norm which was not condoned by Georgia. A proposed piece of legislation is called a. Assume that the state of Missouri passes a statute containing numerous requirements, some conflicting with the federal rules, covering the licensing of airplane pilots and the operation of aircraft. You receive a request to purchase construction services. the secretaries, or chief administrators, of the major departments of the federal government. Presidents today are most likely to rely upon ____________ for advice. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like *1. yo agree to make the purchase, and the construction company accepts your governmentwide commercial purchase card as the method of purchase. A filibuster allows members of the Senate to, In general, members of the House seek committee assignments that will, The determination of the time and structure of floor debate on a bill, in the House of Representatives, is up to the. What is the procurement integrated enterprise environment (PIEE) module used to initiate, review, approve, store, and terminate required delegations of procurement authority and/or appointment? Executive orders 12674 and 12731 form the foundational policy on the ethical conduct of federal employees. A trusteeship b. Expendituring c. Patronage d. Cloturing e. Filibustering, 2. Which of the following is not a task for which congressional party leaders are responsible? The wording of this clause was closely followed by the framers of the Constitution of Australia, namely, in Section 118 of the Constitution of Australia. Recovery of costs from governmentwide commercial Purchase Card officials. a great deal of discretion in the way the law is implemented. A(n) ________ test is applied to classifications of people based on a suspect class. Which of the following standards of review is used to decide if the university violates the Equal Protection Clause by offering Vanessa the scholarship? Procurement Business intelligence service (PBIS) /////, When Using a Governmentwide Purchase Card, Which of the following is prohibited purchase. Members of the ____________________________ tend to be very close personal and political associates of the president. Which Of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program's Mandatory oversight procedures involves validating that all data mining cases are closed and assessing the key purchasing and management internal controls? Four of the original thirteen states never passed any laws barring interracial marriage, and the other states were divided on the issue in the Reconstruction era. 1738B). (Article II). The ________ prohibits the government from promoting one religion over another. There are extensive federal regulations covering airplanes and pilots. The form of government in Jintopia is ________. California voters have now received their mail ballots, and the November 8 general election has entered its final stage. a resolution of Congress that the president can send troops into action abroad only by authorization of Congress, or if American troops are already under attack or serious threat. What is the Cardholder Statement of Account? Under this picture, there are words which imply that the President is doing a bad job of running the country. The Second Continental Congress voted unanimously to adopt and issue the Declaration of Independence on Cabinet secretaries are appointed by the president with the consent of the Senate. He wrote that the corresponding clause in the Articles of Confederation was "extremely indeterminate, and can be of little importance under any interpretation which it will bear. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof. A presidential veto may be overridden by a two-thirds vote of each house of Congress. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following is NOT one of the three approaches to value? The federal government's Social Security program, which pays benefits to older members of society but not to younger members of society, is lawful as examined by a(n) ________ test. The clause's application to state-sanctioned same-sex marriages, civil unions, and domestic partnerships is unresolved, although the case of marriage has been rendered moot. If in such court it has the faith and credit of evidence of the highest nature, viz., record evidence, it must have the same faith and credit in every other court. the specific powers granted in the Constitution to Congress and to the president. The Privileges and Immunities Clause provides which of the following? emily_ross7983. Equal Protection Clause The Cabinet, consisting of heads of all major federal government departments. For a similar clause, see, Act of May 26, 1790 titled, "An Act to Prescribe the Mode in Which the Public Acts, Records, and Judicial Proceedings in Each State, Shall Be Authenticated So As to Take Effect in Every Other State." The Congressional Research Service and the Government Accountability Office are examples of, "Astroturf lobbying" refers to the practice whereby. It could potentially make the presidency too powerful. Which of the following is not a task of congressional staff members? What are the most common private bills proposed in Congress? Which of the following tests is used to examine the lawfulness of this classification? The ________ was a document that restricted the newly created U.S. federal government from levying and collecting taxes, regulating commerce with foreign countries, and regulating interstate commerce. Other Quizlet sets. Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole, Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry. Which of the following amendments to the U.S. Constitution contains the Due Process, Equal Protection, and Privileges and Immunities Clauses? Which of the following conclusions is made when this law is tested for substantive due process? Building on the earlier Page Act of 1875, which banned Chinese women from migrating to the United States, the Chinese Exclusion Act the president's constitutional power to turn down acts of Congress. In 1939, the Court in Pacific Employers Insurance v. Industrial Accident wrote: [T]here are some limitations upon the extent to which a state may be required by the full faith and credit clause to enforce even the judgment of another state in contravention of its own statutes or policy. Those factors are, One reason why redistricting is controversial is because. Which three items describe external fraud, Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics, Douglas A. Lind, Samuel A. Wathen, William G. Marchal, David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, James J Cochran, Jeffrey D. Camm, Thomas A. Williams, Alexander Holmes, Barbara Illowsky, Susan Dean. The need to divide the labor of legislation is best exemplified in what formal structure of Congress? A similar clause existed in Article IV of the Articles of Confederation, the predecessor to the U.S. Constitution: "Full faith and credit shall be given in each of these States to the records, acts, and judicial proceedings of the courts and magistrates of every other State. Which of the following measures is in accordance with U.S.A.'s Foreign Commerce Clause? A Best practice calls for the cardholder to reconcile transactions in the statement of account within how many days of the billing cycle end date? Which branch of government has the constitutional power to declare war? 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