eu4 idea groups tier list

Known for their industry these men and women have thrived in their new homeland. If the Emperor can enact the reforms, he can eventually centralize all the separate nations of the Empire under his own banner, and turn the Holy Roman Empire into a unified powerhouse which in the right hands can be almost unstoppable. Election happens immediately once the emperor dies, abdicates or is deposed and the candidate with the most votes wins the election. Casus belli is a Latin term meaning case of war.In the game, a country with a casus belli (commonly abbreviated to "CB") on another country is deemed to have a valid cause for war.When declaring war, the player is presented with a list of available CBs.They may pick a CB from the list or choose to declare war without a casus belli and accept the penalties of 14 Theses on VIC3 | Page 3 | Paradox Interactive Forums All provinces in the France region, excluding Calais (87): Stralsund (47) is owned by the country or or its non-tributary subjects, Stettin (1858) is owned by the country or or its non-tributary subjects, Lbeck (45) is owned by the country or or its non-tributary subjects, Hamburg (44) is owned by the country or or its non-tributary subjects, Bremen (1874) is owned by the country or or its non-tributary subjects, Religion is same as The Holy Roman Emperor, The country is removed as an elector of the HRE, The country is made an elector of the HRE, Has government type where: Can force Re-election. Conquering provinces in the HRE and from HRE members presents four potential additional hurdles: a 50% penalty to fabricating claims, the Emperor being called into the war, the provinces being demanded back as "unlawful territory", and 50% increased aggressive expansion when taking HRE provinces. The Constitution of Cadiz gave Spain a strictly limited monarchy (the king must work through his responsible ministers), a single-chamber Parliament with no special representation for the Church or the nobility, and a modern centralized administrative system based on provinces and municipalities. In Password:, enter the password to associate with this logical name. Barbarians have let the Great Shrine of Ise decay for lack of proper maintenance. 100 army tradition gives the following bonuses, which scale linearly to 0% at 0 tradition. These can be multiple wars. For example a 3/2/2 province would become a 2/2/2 (1/0/0) because only the first category rounds to at least 1. Any technology group may be chosen, and will determine the nation's starting institutions and technology level (13). The country gets the modifier Divine Faith until the state religion is changed with the following effect: Protect our national religion from any Islamic influences by preventing missionaries from crossing our country borders. The port of Mers El Kebir was captured in 1505 and in 1509 a strong force accompanied by Cisneros himself and led by the Condottieri Pedro Navarro finally took Oran in an assault. They have their own events. Players can increase province development values by using monarch power; players who have the Rights of Man expansion can develop subjects' provinces. Though the economic importance of the Mesta has already waned, the nobles and clergy that make up their membership continue to wield a great deal of influence at court, and demand that their privileges be upheld regardless of the changing circumstances. Agent of the Duke of Parma, he facilitated the wedding of Philip V of Spain with Elizabeth Farnese and become a Cardinal in 1717. If a terra incognita province is revealed while an army is attempting to move into it, its movement progress will immediately be updated, which can result in it teleporting into the province. Provinces Tajarhi (2474) and Djado (2475): With the [Root.Monarch.GetName]'s ascension to the throne, the military is awaiting the resources needed for focusing on a more impactful yet smaller army. Electors may vote for non-members of the HRE too. Estates apply modifiers at the national level and may grant one-time bonuses or bonuses to specific provinces. However, if they gain more soldiers monthly than they lose to attrition, there is no extra cost beyond base army maintenance, so reinforcement speed modifiers can save you a lot of money - even so, beware of heavy attrition. The ruler gets the modifier Christian Ruler until the ruler changes with the following effects: If the country has the incident Spread of Christianity. It is time we join the community of the faithful. Your support of the Jesuit order has been noted and is wholly appreciated by the Pope. We have been too generous towards foreign traders who have been allowed far reaching rights to govern the lands around their trade factories. Minor AI countries may rarely join the HRE if they have excellent relations with the current Emperor and they are threatened by a powerful neighbor (Ragusa in fear of the Ottomans, Gotland in fear of Lithuania/Sweden etc.). By provoking the Hansa into attacking us we can ensure the dismantling of the Hanseatic League without having to wage war with the entirety of the Holy Roman Empire. Additionally, the Emperor may core any province within the Empire, even if it's out of coring range or inaccessible. This way they claim that we will be able to bring other Buddhist countries closer to our point of view. Mercenary armies of Local origin may be assigned leaders as though they were regular forces. We're all about people. Aragon: Every known country with a royal marriage with Aragon get the opinion modifier Iberian Wedding towards Castile, worth: The Fuggers were a peasant family of weavers from Augsburg during the 15th Century who rose through trade and transactions in money to Bankers of the Habsburgs and the Popes. The number of regiments is limited to: Rajputs can be improved by the Rajputs estate privilege "Enlist Purbias", which will give Rajput units +10% fire damage, and an additional 5% discipline if the government reform "Purbias Register" is enacted. To this came numerous colonies in North and South America, Africa and Asia. Summon the diet!' If recruited in the state interface then the exact unit type (cavalry vs infantry) depends on the total army composition. most of Anatolia region belongs to Europe but Kurdistan area belongs to Asia. Southern parts of Spain were inhabited mostly by Moriscos - Muslims who had converted to Catholicism under the threat of expulsion by Ferdinand and Isabella following the Reconquista. Any known country within the Western technology group is the strongest trade power of a trade node in South or North China and has a merchant there. Decisions that are unique to specific countries are kept on the pages of those countries in order to prevent this page from becoming overly long. Rajput are always infantry and have: Their base recruitment costs are raised to 15 ducats.[1]. Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.At least some were last verified for version 1.23. Gain ruler modifier Concessions to the Peasantry , giving: In 1557, on the very first year as Spanish king, Philip II was forced to declare the country bankrupt. then the country gains 15 government reform progress. Our interest in an East India Company is based chiefly on hopes and ambitions aroused by the enormous revenues produced by the initial ventures of other companies. In fact although they will get angry if we refuse them, they will most definitely prey on any future weakness we show to demand further concessions. If a colonial nation's liberty desire increases high enough, they will gain the ability to declare independence and start a war to break free from their overlord. However without royal support it will not thrive, shall we support the Jesuits? The country gets the modifier Advancement of True Religion Act until the state religion is changed with the following effects: Declare blasphemy a common law and thereby make it a legal offense to show contempt for or ridicule God, Jesus or the Holy Scriptures in any form or way. These values can be found in, /Europa Universalis IV/common/defines.lua, PDXCON Trigger "The Quest for a new Cult" event. Within the interface are a number of shields of various sizes representing members of the HRE. With all important locations in Granada once again under our control we must decide what to do with the Morisco population. It has the following effects, scaling from 0% to 100%:[11]. This can happen even in owned provinces. Recruiting regular forces requires an owned, unoccupied province to recruit in, and three resources: manpower, ducats, and time. Please help with verifying or updating this section. A soldier that has to go home to tend his fields is not one that will regularly exercise with his weapon.While we cannot change our entire army structure in one stroke we can ensure that a core of highly trained salaried troops specialize in these weapons. In Europa Universalis IV, the world is divided into continents, regions, areas, and provinces. The Holy Roman Empire interface is disabled. The Moriscos prospered in spite of persecutions and furthered Spanish agriculture, trade, and industries. He personally organized and financed a crusade against the city of Oran. Notes and strategies for specific reforms, Emperor being called in wars against HRE members, Emperor demanding back non-cored HRE provinces, /Europa Universalis IV/common/static_modifiers/00_static_modifiers.txt, this number is calculated as IMPERIAL_AUTHORITY_FROM_PRINCES / HRE_PRINCE_AUTHORITY_THRESHOLD. Achievements This is a powerful method to quickly gain absolutism during that age while reducing headaches from rebels. Assuming that the country's capital is outside the colonial regions, then if said country colonizes and cores five overseas provinces[2] in the same colonial region, (regardless of whether they are part of a state or territory) a colonial nation will form. (2) be in the opposing league and Most of the colonial nations have names based on the overlord, however, some have historically relevant names. The spending was based on the planned budget, but the inflow was irregular at best which made Spain spend more than it actually had, thus the Great Bankruptcies of 1557 and 1596. This event ends the leagues if they had formed. The Seven Cities of the Hausa are of great importance in our cultural history. We have a team of moderators working 7 days a week to check ads and content. Additional benefits and mechanics [edit | edit source]. Make it a legal offense for servants and the like to read our holy bible, reserve that right for clerics and noblemen. It is the Age of Absolutism or the Age of Revolutions. Colonial nations can be granted provinces that are bordering it via land or are adjacent to the same sea zone. acnh hospital names funny The unification of Spain has created a kingdom consisting of many former realms. However, instead of no crossing penalty on disembarkation if by themselves, as opposed to -2 for those of standard troops, the combined group receives an aggregate -1 crossing penalty. Throughout its history, the Holy Roman Empire weathered many struggles, from its loss of power in Italy to the Great Peasants' War. The Zoroastrian communities in our country are propagating for the state to adopt their religion. Time for a [Root.Religion.GetName] [Root.Monarch.GetTitle]? It is time to move the control and responsibility for taxes and government budgets from the Old World into the colonies. Joan of Arc turned the tide of the Hundred Year's War by saving Orlans and having King Charles crowned in Reims. /Europa Universalis IV/common/defines.lua, PDXCON AI is 10 times more likely to choose this option if one of the following is true: AI is 1000 times more likely to choose this option if it has enacted, AI will always choose this option if the strongest trade power in the Lbeck. The ruler gets the modifier Enforce Religious Unity until ruler or state religion changes with the following effect: Bestow the title of Khalifa upon the Sultan to demonstrate his importance not only as our political leader but also as our spiritual leader. The development of that province will have a certain chance of increasing by 1 in a random category after each yearly tick in accordance to when you started to promote settlement growth. Husars are special cavalry units, available for Poland, Lithuania and the Commonwealth, via their national ideas. From the 15th century on, except for a handful of years under the house of Wittelsbach (during the early years of the reign of Archduchess Maria Theresa) the Emperor was from the House of Habsburg or Habsburg-Lorraine, the rulers of Austria and many other European nations. From time to time it is necessary for a ruler to change the focus of worship for the country though. If we were to grant them the Liberum Veto they would in return give us substantial support during the current war. Show all rooms.. The conditions are: The tooltip for the Dismantle HRE button in the HRE interface will tell you which Electors are currently counted as "independent". To attain numerical superiority, it may require exceeding the supply limit temporarily, especially if forces are technologically inferior. Each relationship cost 25 administrative power and 100 ducats to upgrade and can be rescinded for 100 ducats. Non-electors forming nations results in those nations leaving the HRE, unless they are the emperor or an elector (e.g. The total supply weight of an army with a leader is reduced by 1 for each point of maneuver the leader has. Trigger country event A Break with Tradition?. In return, they get a special government type (breaking any pre-existing Royal Marriages with no penalty), and the Emperor is always called into war if a Free City is attacked, even if the attacker is in the Empire and has a valid Casus Belli. ), Renovate the Emerald Buddha Shrine (YKarma -! The opinion of the nation that was under attack will increase by +10 because of the honored alliance relation boost. This will allow us to have a direct connection to the Maghreb. When defending against a numerically superior army, fighting in terrain with an attacker combat penalty is ideal. Over-reliance on Cossacks is penalized: for each 1% of the country's force limit composed of Cossacks, a +1% stability cost modifier malus is applied (this malus on the stability boost can be removed by disbanding the Cossacks units). He abandoned his military life and decided to devote himself entirely to serving God. When the French army, supporting the expelled Navarrese monarchy, stormed the city on May 20, 1521, Loyola was hit by a cannonball that severely injured both his legs. If the country had chosen the option He remains our strongest supporter. of the event The Khojas less then (additionally) 4 times more than the option Attempt to limit the influence of the Khojas. then the rebels have size 1, else if the first option was chosen 4 or 5 times more then the rebels have size 2, else if the first option was chosen at least 6 additionally times then the rebels have size 3. There are also many modifiers from decisions, events and missions that affect regiment cost. If a league leader is attacked by any nation during a league war, their fellow league members will automatically join the war as defenders of the leader. Let us send forth our Shamans to spread our faith and to teach those among our new subjects who are able to become Shamans themselves. A colonial nation can declare war on colonial subjects of another nation unless the overlords are allied. Sapphire Springs Medical Clinic. Reformed, Anglican, Hussite). With that, 1 banner regiment can be raised per 6.4 primary-culture development in a state. After serving a three-year sentence he withdrew from public life. your island name is parsleyhaven! The conflict over Italy was, however, far from over and the wars between Spain and France would go on for another 61 years. A nation liberated after this reform, however, will not automatically become the Emperor's vassal. Mercenary companies' size depends on total development of their recruiting country. Holy Roman Empire - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki - Paradox Wikis Since artillery takes twice the normal damage when in the front line, it should be deployed in the second line. Is an institution about to spawn? Each mercenary company also has its own composition and modifiers. In order to properly teach all those who live in our conquered areas of the proper way to please the gods we must make it a routine to construct great temples with sacrificial stones in each and every provincial capital under our control. In the latter position he was instrumental in Spain's intervention in the Thirty Years War. Imperial authority is capped at 100. Every neighbouring Catholic countries: Revoke the law that was previously passed giving the king final, legal authority in all matters of religion and restore those rights to the Pope. Friendly status or being allied gives +10, relations give up to +20 and each point of diplomatic reputation give +3. Armies that are besieging hostile provinces take 1 unit of supply weight extra attrition, regardless of their size. The country gets the modifier Yellow Shamanism until the state religion is changed with the following effect: Buddhism is spreading among the practitioners of our ancestral faith at an alarming rate. As long as the liberty desire is below 50%, the colonial nation is unable to declare independence, and foreign nations cannot support its independence. The Protestant League is headed by the first protestant country which joins, thereafter the leader is determined based on a military score determined by the nations maximum manpower, force limit, and tactics. Colony Designation can be changed for 1000 ducats and can't be changed again for 10 years. the global flag counter_reformation is set. Trigger the Ritual celebration event in 180 days[5]. We believe that this lost cultural treasure lies hidden somewhere in the jungles of Africa, and it is our duty to recover it! The fact that [Root.Monarch.GetName] [Root.Monarch.GetHerselfHimself] does not follow the official state religion has long been a great thorn in the side of those that fight for the spirits and minds of the [Root.GetAdjective] people. This is all the more true in the recently conquered kingdom of Granada where the policies to encourage conversions have been too efficient according to some. Banners are a special unit category available to nations that have Manchu, Sino-Altaic or Jurchen as their primary culture and are available to the Mongol Empire (with whichever is their primary culture post-formation). We must decide whether appeasement or repression is the right path. (3) have a truce with the Emperor (hence stop wars with any elector to end such truces). He managed to increase the royal income dramatically by making the poorer members of the Diet who were unable to attend it regularly agree to grant taxes several years in advance, outmaneuvering the high nobility, by establishing a regular, functional system of tax It seems to compare the threat level and relative strength of one particular nation that it feels threatened by, which need to be greater than 300-(2*(HRE Imperial Authority)) for threat level (maximum 400) and less than (HRE Imperial Authority)/2 for relative strength (as a percentage). Artillery defends first line units from attacks with half of its defense points in the corresponding battle phase. Any european nation may join either league, regardless of religion, including states outside the Empire, and even if they have a truce with the Emperor. It was last verified for, Please help with verifying or updating this section. This disables further league wars and means that only countries of this religion can become electors or emperors. Sunni zealots rise up in revolt and occupy a random province of the country that is not the capital. This way they claim that we will be able to bring other Muslim countries closer to our point of view. If the player were to conquer that land before Burgundy it would be considered unlawful. His bellicose policy in Spain had him expelled in 1719. His break as an author came in 1605 with the publication of 'The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha' which became an immediate success and was later followed by a second part in 1615. They are displayed with a green background in the army view. The Casa was also instructed to try and protect secret information on new trade routes and discoveries. The revolts of Naples and Sicily, directed as much against the local nobility as against Spain, were put down in 1648. The year is at least 1450, but before 1504. If an army stops in a province in which two hostile forces are engaged in combat, it will wait on the sidelines and engage the victor once it emerges from battle. It is a common metric used across a number of Paradox Interactive titles, including Europa Universalis III, EUIV, Crusader Kings III and Victoria II.. Interactive corporate website, then it get a new consort with at least 2, No province in Iberia is a Center of Reformation, Our country gains a claim on province Tunis, Any owned province in Iberia region produce, Every owned province in Iberia region producing, Every owned province with province modifier. At least 1 rebel army is present in the country, At least 1 province is controlled by rebels, Dorpat (1834) is owned by the country or or its non-tributary subjects, sel (35) is owned by the country or or its non-tributary subjects, Goldingen (39) is owned by the country or or its non-tributary subjects, Reval (36) is owned by the country or or its non-tributary subjects, Changes government to that of Our country, Has government type where: Unlocks decisions which allow to embrace Legalism at below -50 Piety and Mysticism above 50 Piety, Great project Harar Jugol is at least tier 3, Has government type where: Enable a decision which allows to adjust Karma every 20 years, Leagues for the religion of the Holy Roman Empire have, The Holy Roman Emperor gains opinion modifier. (1) of the opposing religion, and We must put an end to the Prussian Confederation lest the situation spiral out of control. If the overlord's home trade port is not located downstream from the colony's, then the colonial nation will keep the gold (and any income gained from it) and simply tariffs on it normally. the grounds of an imperial abbey) that they are not represented in EU4. Centralization and decentralization reforms, meanwhile, are mutually exclusive, unlocked after passing the reform Perpetual Diet, and either unite the HRE into a unified state or empower individual princes. Provinces are the smallest of these divisions and are the basic unit of the game mechanics. The exception to this rule emerges when the AI develops one province for the purposes of institution spread, introduced in Patch 1.18, and also when developing coal provinces (even if the trade good isn't enabled yet) which can sometimes result in these provinces reaching over 40 development. With artillery being three times and cavalry two-and-a-half times more expensive than infantry, a more infantry heavy but cheaper army could be more cost-efficient, especially if a nation suffers from cavalry or artillery penalties. Start as a non-Christian country, or convert to a non-Christian religion. A trade that it is now clear is no longer in our interest. The faith of [Root.Religion.GetName] is not a rigid one with only one deity. When a reform is passed, all Imperial Authority is removed (the counter is set to 0). As either the Papal States or the Emperor, have the Papal States as an Elector while the HRE is officially Catholic. The court of Aragon dreamed of a return to Castile, and Isabella needed help to gain succession to the throne. in the event, The Emperor of the HRE selected the option 'This matter requires deliberation.' Let us build a new capital fit to rule a Great Empire! During drilling, the leader of the army also has a chance of gaining additional leader pips. (Example: an full strength regiment with 100% drill that takes 400 casualties will be at 60% drill when fully reinforced.) Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.At least some were last verified for version 1.31. Steppe hordes are countries that use Steppe Nomads government reform. This page was last edited on 18 August 2022, at 18:26. Views: 491. They may be infantry, cavalry or artillery units and have: Once unlocked, a series of decisions become available that apply modifiers to Revolutionary Guard. Our efforts to make Zoroastrianism the only majority religion within our borders will allow us to reunite with these foreign brothers and sisters. If we confirm this child as heir to the throne of [Root.GetName], we stand to inherit all parts of the Low Countries that are part of the [HAB.Monarch.Dynasty.GetName] domain. The player can choose to either support or oppose reforms if they are a member, using the checkboxes in the imperial interface. Conversely, the Empire can wane in power, and, as happened historically in 1806, it can eventually be dismantled. Nation designer These nations usually have a large number of low development provinces with steppe and desert terrain, which makes peacefully increasing their development costly.Steppe hordes For a better readability this event has been split into two infoboxes, one for Castile and one for Aragon. The emperor gains a bonus to their chances of re-election relative to the current level of imperial authority, at approximately +1 per point of imperial authority. Our ruler has always held sympathies for the Ikko Ikki and their Buddhist faith. In the chance that number decreases, the emperor may appoint new ones (if the proposed nation accepts) as needed up to the maximum number of 12 Free Cities. Every owned or subject owned province in Lower Countries region or Picardy area: (Our country) gains a core on this province. It was last verified for, Grammar of the [Root.Culture.GetName] Tongue, Ottoman Expansion in the Western Mediterranean, Torquemada and the Conversion of the Moors, The script code of these events can be found in, /Europa Universalis IV/events/flavorSPA.txt, a queen regency counts as female while a regency council counts as male, both a queen regency and a regency council can trigger the Iberian Wedding, both a queen regency and a regency council in Aragon keep the MTTH at 120 months, PDXCON Let us build a new Cult '' event elector to end such truces ) of their country... America, Africa and Asia non-Christian country, or convert to a non-Christian religion of view not,! Maneuver the leader has important locations in Granada once again under our control we must decide what to do the! Honored alliance relation boost event the Khojas less then ( additionally ) 4 times more than the Attempt. 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