boomer humor urban dictionary

For example, the task Study report might be broken down into several subtasks describing smaller deliverables required to produce the report, such as survey development, survey administration, draft report, report edits, and final report. Information Technology Project Management, Ninth Edition, is the only textbook to apply all ten project management knowledge areas and all five process groups to information technology projects. Use spreadsheet software to create Figures 4-4, Figure 4-5, Figure 4-6 and Figure 4-7 in this text. 4. Iceberg reports from two other ships were not passed on to the bridge. Crashing and fast tracking are two techniques for shortening project schedules. 4. . Summarize the advantages of performing project portfolio management as well as challenges. 5 percent c. $5 d. $5 5. reserves allow for future situations that are unpredictable. Air Force personnel reviewed the contractors cost proposals against their internal cost estimate, which was also based on this WBS. Table 11-6. risks General risk mitigation strategies for technical, cost, and schedule Technical Risks Cost Risks Schedule Risks Emphasize team support and avoid stand-alone project structure Increase the frequency of project monitoring Increase the frequency of project monitoring Increase project manager authority Use WBS and CPM Use WBS and CPM Improve problem handling and communication Improve communication, understanding of project goals, and team support Select the most experienced project manager Increase the frequency of project monitoring Increase project manager authority Use WBS and CPM Source: J. Couillard The five basic response strategies for positive risks are as follows: Risk exploitation or doing whatever you can to make sure the positive risk happens. You would also buy a new laptop and Internet access for your three team members abroad so that they could share information with their contacts in those countries. Without tools he is nothing, with tools he is all. As the world continues to become more complex, it is even more important for people to develop and use tools, especially for managing important projects. Interactional : This leadership style is a combination of transactional, transformational, and charismatic. Van Voorhis, Genevieve (30 de marzo de 2016). It is vital for project management practitioners to conduct their work in an ethical manner. The results of this work may have shown that the project team needs 10 months to complete the project, but the sponsor might ask if the project can be done in eight or nine months. Some things to do when you are offered food you dont like. The main output of qualitative risk analysis is updating the risk register. Managing people is a vital component of project resource management, especially in the IT fieldin which qualified people are often hard to find and keep. Research a project management method, such as PRINCE2, Agile, RUP, or Six Sigma, and how organizations use it, citing at least two references. Surveys, reviews, demonstrations, sign-offs, and other items require stakeholder engagement. Table 3-16. Suppose Cliff Branchs firm was trying to decide if it should submit a proposal for Project 1, Project 2, both projects, or neither project. Is anything unique in the projects scope statement that will affect resources? About. Many organizations have found that large IT projects require experienced general managers who understand the business and application area of the technology, not the technology itself. As he described some of the details of his plan, the chairs of the History, English, Philosophy, and Economics departments all voiced opposition to the idea. ), and then within those by function (Marketing, Manufacturing, IT, Accounting, Design, Sales, Quality, Engineering, etc. Table 2-1 summarizes how organizational structures influence projects and project managers, based on the PMBOK Guide Sixth Edition. This integration ensures that all the elements of a project come together at the right times to complete a project successfully. Some organizations or people have a neutral tolerance for risk, some have an aversion to risk, and others are risk-seeking. Buyers typically develop a short list of the top three to five suppliers to reduce the work involved in selecting a source. Technical security experts confirmed that anything, including e-cigarette chargers, can infect your computer if it can be inserted into a USB port. The project requires purchased software licenses for accessing the GPS and three other external systems. 2. Research the agile movement as it applies to software development and other types of projects. The second case in this chapter provides an example of using Scrum. From time to time, it surges in popularity again. This section addresses important topics related to acquiring the project resources: resource assignment, resource loading, and resource leveling. For example, Figure 5-6 shows a WBS and Gantt chart for a website project, organized by the five project management process groups. This chapter discusses some of the concepts involved in understanding the project environment, such as using a systems approach, understanding organizations, managing stakeholders, matching product life cycles to the project environment, understanding the context of IT projects, and reviewing recent trends that affect IT project management. Because tablets were becoming more popular, they thought it would make more sense to require tablets instead of laptops. Sample stakeholder communications analysis Stakeholders Document Name Document Format Contact Person Due Customer management Monthly status report Hard copy and meeting Tina Erndt, Tom Silva First of month Customer business staff Monthly status report Hard copy Julie Grant, Sergey Cristobal First of month Customer technical staff Monthly status report E-mail Li Chau, Nancy Michaels First of month Internal management Monthly status report Hard copy and meeting Bob Thomson First of month Internal business and Monthly status report technical staff Intranet Angie Liu First of month Training subcontractor Training plan Hard copy Jonathan Kraus November 1 Software subcontractor Software implementation plan E-mail Najwa Gates June 1 Comments: Put the titles and dates of documents in e-mail headings and have recipients acknowledge receipt. IvyPanda is a student success hub designed to 5. To make it more convenient to use templates, the organization should make project templates readily available online. I also thank the faculty reviewers for providing excellent feedback for me in writing this book over the years. . Risk register templates, samples, and point person 10. You can also break down the technology risk category into hardware, software, and network technology, if desired. His journey is made more bearable thanks to a healthy sense of humor, familial love, and mutual respect. It is also useful to review the work breakdown structure (WBS) for a project to see if there might be specific risks by WBS categories. The planned value line is close to the earned value line and is slightly higher in the last month. Super tools were defined as those that had high use and high potential for improving project success. Ive been working to understand exactly what happened and how to make sure this doesnt happen again.* Before you can improve the quality of IT projects or any type of project, it is important to understand the basic concepts of project quality management. Teachers should have more rest from their pupils. Surveys from 3,662 managers across the globe were analyzed to estimate the return generated from deploying collaboration technology in critical business activities from six functional areas: innovations and new product development (Research & Development), employee retention and churn/attrition (Human Resources), sales performance (Sales), customer acquisition (Marketing), shareholder value (Investor Relations), and corporate reputation (Public Relations). Describe several types of software that project managers can use to support project cost management. What approach to developing a WBS involves writing down or drawing ideas in a nonlinear format? Quality planning also involves communicating the correct actions for ensuring quality in a format that is understandable and complete. Planning quality management includes identifying which quality requirements and standards are relevant to the project and how to satisfy them. The work of many project quality experts contributed to the development of todays Six Sigma principles. Consider collaboration over standardization to help balance the goals and project approach. Applying the PERT formula, you get the following: Instead of using the most likely duration estimate of 10 workdays, the project team would use 12 workdays when doing critical path analysis. They realized that before they could pin down functionality, releases, and sprints, they needed to survey potential users to collect requirements for the new software and determine a way to measure the value of the intranet site after it was implemented. Integration testing occurs between unit and system testing to test functionally grouped components. According to Herzberg, these hygiene factors would cause dissatisfaction if not present, but would not motivate workers to do more if present. Many consultants sense an information overload when they research project management information. To establish the schedule, it is critical to get involvement and commitment from all project team members, top management, the customer, and other key stakeholders. When were the shippable products completed using the predictive approach and agile approach? But what we are seeing now is that we are able to get off them; able to reduce cost overrun and time overrun. 8. Systems development life cycle b. This flexible pricing strategy is often advantageous to both the buyer and the seller. A work package might also be the procurement of a specific product or products, such as an item or items purchased from an outside source. A single contract can actually include all three of these categories if it makes sense for a particular procurement. 6. In procurement planning, one must decide what to outsource, determine the type of contract, and describe the work for potential sellers. Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools or other technologies can assist in maintaining a repository for project data. The project manager might further define project scope to include providing a description of each potential project, an investigation of what other companies have implemented for similar projects, a rough time and cost estimate, and assessments of the risk and potential payoff as high, medium, or low. Performance reporting keeps stakeholders informed about how resources are being used to achieve project objectives. After developing more detailed definitions of project activities, Sue and her team would review them with the customers to ensure that the team was on the right track. Copyright and all rights reserved. This relationship means that the project has been on schedule until the last month, when the project fell behind schedule. Students are guided through assignments that help them master basic knowledge and understanding before moving on to more challenging problems. Costs will be provided in U.S. dollars. You can use the NPV function in Excel to calculate the NPV quickly. Seventy percent of organizations said that they always or often use basic practices like change management and risk management on their projects. So, the greater your diversity of knowledge of solutions from far flung areas, the better youll be able to match supply [solutions] to demand [requirements]. The following examples illustrate some ideas of how to make procurement more intelligent: Data scientists build predictive models to analyze big data related to finance, marketing, etc. Consider a company that has 1,000 international salespeople with laptops. 5. Review a sample RFP for an IT project. For example, a project might create a new system that makes some jobs obsolete, or a project might result in outsourcing work to an external group to make the organization more efficient. Critical chain scheduling also protects tasks on the critical chain from being delayed by using feeding buffers , which consist of time added before tasks on the critical chain if they are preceded by other tasks that are not on the critical path. Later in this chapter, you can see how Northwest Airlines encouraged scope changes on its ResNet project and managed them well. Over half of the respondents in two different studies (PMIs PMI Pulse of the Profession and a PricewaterhouseCoopers survey) reported frequent use of PPM. JWD Consulting believed in using team charters for all projects to help promote teamwork and clarify team communications. Project stakeholder management includes identifying stakeholders, planning stakeholder engagement, managing stakeholder engagement, and monitoring stakeholder engagement. In addition, write a paragraph explaining whether you would recommend investing in this project, based on your financial analysis. These stakeholders would need to know exactly what work they must do and when they need to do it. It is important to consult with experts who know the contract planning process for particular organizations. Media Snapshot Inaccurate requirements gathering continues to be one of the main causes of project failure. Fortunately, ISO provided standards to make them safe. 2. Recall from Chapter 1 that stakeholders are people involved in project activities or affected by them, and include the project sponsor, project team, support staff, customers, users, suppliers, and even opponents to the project. The accuracy of this type of estimate is normally 5 percent to +10 percent, meaning the actual costs could be 5 percent less or 10 percent more than the definitive estimate. Performing quantitative risk analysis involves numerically estimating the effects of risks on project objectives. Erica worked with Jessie to analyze the information, paying special attention to the critical path and earned value data. Return on investment (ROI) is the result of subtracting the project costs from the benefits and then dividing by the costs. These super tools included software for task scheduling (such as project management software), scope statements, requirement analyses, and lessons-learned reports. The CEO told him to do whatever it took to deliver the first version of the product in four months and a production version in nine months. [146], La serie tambin comprende tres episodios especiales que se produjeron con aos de diferencia entre s. The Quartier International de Montral (QIM), Montreals international district, was a 66-acre urban revitalization project in the heart of downtown Montreal. Templates related to project closing are listed later in this chapter. Managed: At this level, a process has the basic infrastructure in place to support it. Provide examples of when you would use at least three of the Seven Basic Tools of Quality on an IT project. Project managers normally prepare several types of cost estimates for most projects. Did the project team investigate the background of the company that provided the consultants? The figure then shows that preparing detailed requirements and the detailed architecture for the system can be performed simultaneously. Media Snapshot One of Gartners top 10 strategic technologies for 2012 included application stores and marketplaces for smartphones and tablets. [133], The Powerpuff Girls debut en Estados Unidos la noche del 18 de noviembre de 1998. Additional sections highlight other important concepts related to each knowledge area, such as Six Sigma, testing, maturity models, and using software to assist in project quality management. As outsourcing for IT projects increases, it is important for all project managers to have a fundamental understanding of this knowledge area. Does it look like Figure 6-4? More detailed information is needed to answer these and other questions. Workgroup functions allow the exchange of messages through e-mail, intranet, wireless devices, or the Web. Prepare handouts and visual aids, and make logistical arrangements ahead of time. To complete a project for as little cost as possible b. This approach allows the organization to work together quickly to address changing business needs. They must use systems management to identify key issues in business, technological, and organizational spheres related to each project in order to identify and satisfy key stakeholders and do what is best for the entire organization. 39 40 To a baby-boomer boss, that type of guidance and feedback may feel more like a nuisance. The rules and methods of sound project procurement practices are good to follow regardless of who provides the services to whom. Strong demand for smartphones and tablets helped wireless broadband subscriptions grow by 14.6 percent. Finally, the names of these styles should not be interpreted as either good or bad by their labelsthey can each be appropriate and effective given the circumstances of a situation. Network diagrams are the preferred technique for showing activity sequencing. Because the EIS did not meet all of the stakeholders expectations for quality in the opening case, the medical instruments company was spending additional money for rework. Figure 1-2 illustrates a framework to help you understand project management. A fixed-price with economic price adjustment contract (FP-EPA) includes a special provision for predefined final adjustments to the contract price due to changes in conditions such as inflation or the cost of specific commodities. You can download templates for these and other project documents from the Companion website for this text. Outputs of this process are work performance information, cost forecasts, change requests, project management plan updates, and project documents updates. 1. She described some of the technical details she learned after meeting with the Director of Accounting, and Stephen knew it was essential to keep track of costs well on such a huge project. Several high-end project management tools include simulation capabilities. Discuss the importance of understanding tone of voice and body language in comprehending the meaning of what people say. Organizations have also understood that they need to strive for a culture that allows them to move quickly to succeed in a rapidly changing world. It is even more difficult, especially on IT projects, to verify the project scope and minimize scope changes. He has also not communicated key information with students who could be candidates for their event, which is only a month away. 2. This system would help in planning and implementing many projects, from laying fiber-optic cable to installing water lines. You can also add items anywhere on a mind-mapping document without following a strict top-down or bottom-up approach. Research the benefits of and requirements for earning a certification in business analysis, as described in the What Went Right feature in this chapter. Project work is most successful in an organizational culture where employees identify more with the organization, where work activities emphasize groups, and where there is strong unit integration, high risk tolerance, performance- based rewards, high conflict tolerance, an open-systems focus, and a balanced focus on people, control, and means orientation. Many good project managers know their personal strengths and weaknesses in this area and surround themselves with people who complement their skills, just as Peter Gumpert did in the opening case by asking Christine to be his assistant. Cultures may also have different perceptions of work ethicsome may value hard work and strict schedules while others may value the ability to remain relaxed and flexible. After the second or third time this happened, I just assumed that this was the way things worked. * Controlling the Schedule The final process in project schedule management is controlling the schedule. (You will learn how to use Project 2016 in Appendix A, which is available on the Companion website for this text. 5. A popular cost accounting textbook states, Accountants usually define cost as a resource sacrificed or foregone to achieve a specific objective.* Websters dictionary defines cost as something given up in exchange. Costs are often measured in monetary amounts, such as dollars, that must be paid to acquire goods and services. Which risk management process involves prioritizing risks based on their probability and impact of occurrence? This approach works best when there is a high degree of change and a high frequency of delivery. Project team members should be involved in developing the WBS to ensure consistency and buy-in. History of Project Management Most people think that project management is a 20th century invention. Why is there a new or renewed interest in the field of project management? As the saying goes, A fool with a tool is still just a fool. It is crucial that project managers and their teams focus on monitoring stakeholder engagement to meet their needs and expectations, not to show off the latest technology. Project resource management, communications management, and stakeholder management are crucial to a projects success. Projects that address broad organizational needs are much more likely to be successful because they will be important to the organization. Summarize your findings and opinions on this issue in a short paper. Do they treat people differently in different parts of the world or in different positions? What are suggested skills for all project managers and for IT project managers? Summarize the findings and your opinions of the study and the use of EVM. Should reliability tests be based on 100 people accessing the system at once and running simple queries? The answer is good project management, which includes more than managing project constraints. In addition to providing the basis for estimating activity durations as described in Chapter 6, Project Schedule Management, estimating activity resources provides vital information for project cost estimates (Chapter 7), project communications management (Chapter 10), project risk management (Chapter 11), and project procurement management (Chapter 12). Focus on meeting project objectives and producing positive results. An appropriately designed experiment to compute project costs and durations for various combinations of junior and senior programmers or consultants can allow you to determine an optimal mix of personnel, given limited resources. Project changes: I think we can stay on schedule, but it looks like well need about $10,000 more for outsourcing. Certified Project Manager (CPM) b. They know that many of the original cost estimates for IT projects are low or based on unclear project requirements, so naturally there will be cost overruns. The procurement management plan is a document that describes how the procurement processes will be managed, from developing documentation for making outside purchases or acquisitions to contract closure. Information Technology Project Management But Mark KozakHolland, certified PMP and author of books that mine history for insight about project management, says thats wrong. The automated personnel system, Nycaps, suffered significant delays and cost overruns due to leadership issues, increasing from an original estimate of $66 million to over $363 million. Key Findings. 2. The promotion plan will also announce the availability of the new intranet site. Identify all of the paths on the network diagram and note how long they are, using Figure 6-8 as a guide for how to represent each path. Earned value (EV), the cumulative earned value amounts for all activities by month. 4. Search the Internet and scan IT industry magazines or websites to find an example of an IT project that had problems due to organizational issues. Acceptance decisions determine if the products or services produced as part of the project will be accepted or rejected. It is also important to use discipline and leadership to emphasize the importance of following and meeting project schedules. Most people would not be surprised to learn that most IS developers are introverts. After cell phone and Internet connections disappeared, several people turned to older technology, like ham radios, to communicate information about missing victims quickly. As mentioned in the chapters opening case, JWD Consulting wants to follow an exemplary process for managing its projects because its core business is helping other organizations manage projects. Also remember that you cannot manage risks if you do not identify them first. Will the project meet NPV, ROI, and payback estimates? Project procurement management includes the processes required to acquire goods and services for a project from outside the performing organization. Project Risk Management 11.1 Plan Risk Management 11.6 Implement Risk Responses 11.7 Monitor Risks 11.2 Identify Risks 11.3 Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis 11.4 Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis 11.5 Plan Risk Responses 12. To facilitate timely, productive discussion and decision making, adaptive teams engage with stakeholders directly rather than going through layers of management. Also, if you know of ways that social media can assist your project team to improve stakeholder engagement, discuss it with your team. Internal project stakeholders include the project sponsor, project team, support staff, and internal customers of the project. Creating some sort of communications management plan and reviewing it with project stakeholders early in a project helps prevent or reduce later communication problems. You asked everyone to take an MBTI-based assessment (a free one you found at Cliff did not have a strong math background and had a hard time understanding the EMV calculations. List the tools and techniques for performing risk control. Many organizations also use make-or-buy analysis to decide whether to purchase or lease items for a project. For example, it reveals how you tend to behave under stress, in conflict, when communicating, and when avoiding certain activities. Although it has become easier to do sophisticated risk analysis with new software tools, project teams must be careful not to rely too heavily on software when performing project risk management. A risk-seeking person or organization prefers outcomes that are more uncertain and is often willing to pay a penalty to take risks. Crashing is a technique for making cost and schedule trade-offs to obtain the greatest amount of schedule compression for the least incremental cost. The suppliers would provide the wood, windows, flooring, appliances, and other materials. If time is most important, you must often change the initial scope and cost goals to meet the schedule. Members of the project team, frequently called configuration management specialists, are often assigned to perform configuration management for large projects. An entire chapter is dedicated to each knowledge area. Garis, Mary Grace (20 de febrero de 2015). An example of a preventive action might be modifying a timetracking system screen to avoid common errors people have made in the past. Portfolio managers help their organizations make wise investment decisions by helping to select and analyze projects from a strategic perspective. Using software to assist in cost estimating is described later in this chapter. By the time the proposals come in, the business requirements have often changed.* Enterprise marketplaces, such as app stores that provide a collection of software and services for sale (i.e., Google Play, App Store, and IBM Cloud Marketplace) and other new purchasing processes will emerge as companies collaborate with service providers to figure out better IT solutions. b. An important goal of the meeting was helping the project team members get to know each other. Getting project information to the right people at the right time and in a useful format is just as important as developing the information in the first place. Down or drawing ideas in a format that is understandable and complete the. 5. reserves allow for future situations that are more uncertain and is advantageous... Of using Scrum acquiring the project team members get to know exactly what happened and to. 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