5 interesting facts about mars

Neurosurgery, Edinburgh: Elsevier Mosby, 2005) The astronomer Urbain Le Verrier made mathematical predictions about Neptunes existence. If we were to stand on Mercury, the Sun would look three times as large as we see it on Earth. Philippines. This is supposedly a giant planet with a very elongated orbit. Of these, there are around six prominent meteor showers that are well worth trying to catch if you can. glyolipids) Mars is often dubbed the Red Planet because of the iron on its surface. WebMars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second-smallest planet in the Solar System, being larger than only Mercury.In the English language, Mars is named for the Roman god of war.Mars is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere (less than 1% that of Earth's), and has a crust primarily composed of elements similar to Earth's crust, as well as a core July 6, 2011. Aside from spinning on its side, Uranus rotates from east to west (retrograde) just like Venus. Because of that, it is often called Earths twin. However, other than size, the two are very different. In the 1990s and early 2000s, some objects similar in size to Pluto were discovered in the outer solar system. The Philippines are named after King Philip II of Spain, The Philippine, or monkey-eating, eagle is the largest of all eagles and was declared the national bird of the Philippines in 1985, The Philippines is the second largest archipelago in the world, Jellyfish Lake is around 12,000 years old, Manila is considered to be the worlds most densely populated city, Bruno Mars' mother emigrated from the Philippines to Hawaii as a child, The Philippines is considered the text capital of the world. The constellation from which the meteors appear to originate is used to identify meteor showers. Read Now. At a tiny fraction of the mass of Mercury, Pluto was clearly a body much smaller than any other planet. The Philippines are named after King Philip II of. Some believed the meteor shower, which was at its peak at the time of the martyrdom, to be the tears of the saint. There are, however, some really cool things we There are 8 planets in our solar system, they are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Mars and Earth have approximately the same landmass. the Corpus Callosum in the Healthy Human Brain, The Journal of Together the planets make up 0.14% of the solar systems mass, 99% of which is the gas giants (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune). (Reference for surface area figures: Nieuwenhuys, neurons in the cerebral cortex at 20 billion (Biophysics of Imelda Marcos is convicted of corruption and sentenced to 18 years imprisonment. 163.) As the Sun's heat boils off more and more ice and debris, it spreads out throughout the comet's course, especially in the inner solar system (where we live). Venus is nearly as big as the Earth with a diameter of 12,104 km. This is more than the total number of daily text messages sent in the U.S. and Europe combined. Phobos is predicted to crash into Mars around 50 million years from now. The Sun may form a planetary nebula, and eventually will shrink down to become a white dwarf. Late December and early January are when this meteor shower generally happens. There are also eight orbiters studying it from above. Most of all, the tectonic plates are important to the carbon cycle of our planet. NASAs Voyager 2 was the only spacecraft that visited Uranus. Gartner Survey Reveals Marketing Budgets Have Increased to 9.5% of Overall Company Revenue in 2022. WebFun Facts About Mars. Superstitious Filipinos will not, The only place in the world where skunks are found other than America is, President Benigno Aquino III of the Philippines is known as Noynoy, and two of his sisters nicknames are Pinky and Ballsy.". ), Number of cortical layers = 6 Thickness of cerebral cortex = UY Scuti: the largest known star by radius. Mars Facts Jones, Cerebral Cortex, 1984) . old) = 1.5 (Miller et al., 1980) The Great Red Spot is a very large storm that could fit two to three Earths. The planet moves around the sun Color of normal CSF = clear and colorless Antares lies about 550 light-years from Earth, in the direction of the constellation Scorpius. Statistics Explained is an official Eurostat website presenting statistical topics in an easily understandable way. It also has a ring system. cm2 These atoms' electrons change from one energy state to another, emitting a certain wavelength of light in the process. Carbon dioxide makes up 96% of the atmosphere on the red planet. Although on most nights you can see several meteors an hour, sometimes this increases dramatically. Crypto influencer Cooper Turleys incubator, venture capital firm and record label CoopRecords.xyz aims to unite music and web3 This makes the Orionid meteor shower one of the brightest and fastest; the meteors often leave glowing "trains" of debris that can last for several minutes. These moons are small and are irregularly shaped. Meteor showers are also known to occur on Mars and its moons. 1.5-4.5 mm Thickness of cerebral cortex (Bottlenosed dolphin) = Meteor showers can occur on the Moon as well. They look may look like solid structures but Saturns rings are actually made up of millions of debris floating in space. Mars and Earth have approximately the same landmass. Mars and Earth have approximately the same landmass. However, C. Koch lists the total number of 2022 Fact Retriever LLC. The crew is equipped with patch kits in case a projectile breaches the hull and enters the pressurized cabin. EEG - alpha wave frequency = 8 to 13 Hz Berkeley, CA: Lonely Planet,. 2. Newsroom, Announcements and Media Contacts | Gartner Meteor showers are also known to occur on Mars and its moons. Whats left of the star itself slowly shrinks and cools. WebEditors and writers join Thea Lenarduzzi, Lucy Dallas and Alex Clark to talk through the week's issue. Vega is a familiar star to most of us and the brightest one in the constellation Lyra, the Harp. Our atmosphere has the perfect ingredient for us to breathe. As of 2021, three rovers are exploring its surface: Curiosity, Perseverance, and Zhurong. To see more, you have to use a telescope to reveal stars fainter than your eyes can see. It is a shield volcano built by the continuous action of flowing lava over millions and millions of years that began some 3 billion years ago. The leap year (366 days) comes every four years. Membranes, Sinauer, Sunderland, 1984, p. Time until unconsciousness after loss of blood supply to brain = 8-10 sec WebNational Geographic stories take you on a journey thats always enlightening, often surprising, and unfailingly fascinating. In its grand finale in 2017, the spacecraft deliberately crashed into Saturn. % neurons stained by the Golgi method = 5% Of the top 10 largest shopping malls in the world, three are found in the Philippines: SM Megamall, SM North Edsa, and SM Mall of Asia. Known as the Pearl of Lao Tzu, or Pearl of Allah, the gem weighs 14 pounds (6.35 kg) and measures 9.5 inches (24 cm) long and 5.5 inches (.4 cm) in diameter. She was also the first woman in the military to become the White House physician. Mercurys craters are named after famous artists, musicians and authors. in a rocking chair. The name Earth has a Germanic origin which means the ground. Of all the eight planets, it is the only one that was not named after any gods or goddesses. The last U.S. naval vessel leaves Subic Bay. Until that time a planet simply meant a body in orbit around the Sun, that reflected sunlight, and was not a planetary moon, asteroid, or comet. It is said to be much larger than Saturn and its main rings! Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2000. United States declares war against Spain to end Spanish rule in Cuba and the Philippines; Spain cedes the Philippines to the U.S. for US$20 million. Gross morphology functions, comparative anatomy, and evolution. They are characterized by their massiveness and gaseous composition. At 4.5 billion km (2.8 billion miles), it is 30 times as distant as the Earth is from the Sun. It has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit. 10/14/2022 Seven user experience tips for a brand website that leaves a lasting impression; 11/03/2022 Introducing: Blockchain Thursdays! Because of that, scientists gave a more detailed definition of a planet. Morgan & Claypool Life Sciences, 2009.). It is twice the mass of the Sun and over 25 times more luminous. Although, that bright streak is not actually the rock, which is usually vaporized, but rather the glowing hot air around it as the hot rock zips through the atmosphere. WebFacts about Venus. Miguel Lpez de Legazpi establishes a Spanish colony on the island of Cebu. Blood flow through whole brain (adult) = 750-1000 ml/min Gartner Announces Rankings of the 2022 Global Supply Chain Top 25. [2] Biological Psychology, 6th Edition, 1998, page 24) These kinds of meteoroids make up a very small portion of meteoroids. J. Comp. November 15, 2010. When Plutos moon Charon was discovered in 1978, scientists were able to calculate Plutos mass much more accurately than ever before. And because of that, it takes thousands of years to orbit the Sun. Diameter of neurofilament = 7 - 10 nm This is supported by the existence of several impact craters. day (from Kandel et al., 2000, p. 1296) Thickness of squid giant axon membrane = 50-100 A This star has 256 times the mass of the Sun and is part of a binary system. With the word dwarf we are already given the idea that dwarf planets are smaller objects. It is 2.6x smaller than our planet and is just slightly bigger than the Earths Moon. Threshold for hearing damage = 90 db for an extended period of time, Mass of a large sensory neuron = 10-6gram (from Groves and Rebec, Introduction to Biological Psychology, Announcements. Total surface area of the cerebral cortex (pilot whale) = 5,800 Number of neurons in cerebral cortex (rat) = 21 million (Korbo, L., et Though it might disappear in the next hundred years, a new one will likely replace it. To date, this armor has received various impacts, and none of them have penetrated the full extent of the shields. ; Earths atmosphere protects us from meteoroids and radiation from the Sun. Azevedo et al., Equal numbers of neuronal and nonneuronal cells News from San Diego's North County, covering Oceanside, Escondido, Encinitas, Vista, San Marcos, Solana Beach, Del Mar and Fallbrook. A year on Venus takes 225 Earth days. 2012. WebFacts about the Planets. Martian days are called sols and one sol takes 24.6 Earth hours. Mars has only two moons as compared to Uranus twenty-seven. Its companion is Alpha Centauri B, and is a K-type star somewhat dimmer than the Sun and with less mass. Length of rabbit spinal cord = 18 cm The process begins when the cloud is nudged into a spinning motion, perhaps by a shock wave from a nearby supernova explosion. Neurobiology, Mosby, St. Louis, 1981, p. 36) Shepherd, The Synaptic Organization of the The largest planet is Jupiter, followed by Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth, Venus, Mars and, the smallest planet, Mercury. First railroad in Philippines opens. Except for the Earth, the planets are named after gods from Roman and Greek mythology. Sirius B is slightly less massive than the Sun and is a dim white dwarf star. Of the eight known species of giant clams in the world, seven are found in the Philippines. Its surface features are also named after women, both real and mythical. Even at the furthest points of the Solar System, in the Kuiper belt and Oort cloud, meteoroids can be found to exist. WebFacts about Mars. Impacts from meteoroids are one of the main causes of "space weathering." According to Filipino custom, it is considered rude to open gifts immediately after they are given. (from G.M. Its eruption ejected 10 billion metric tons of magma and 20 million tons of sulphur dioxide into the stratosphere. The shower's radiant (or apparent tail-end origin) tends to be in the constellation Bootes. Volume of suprachiasmatic nucleus = 0.3 mm3 Volume of the brain of a locust = 6mm3 (from Such definition was needed to separate those types of objects like Pluto into a distinct class. Brain Facts The raw material for this shower likely comes from 2003 EH1, which is either an asteroid or a potential "rock comet.". The Chinese establish trading posts on Luzon Island. This planet lies around 108 million km (67 million mi) from the Sun. long, 1.4 mm wide Since the International Space Station is fairly vulnerable to space debris and strikes from objects like meteors, it includes some shielding to help improve its chances of survival in space. Some Filipinos are wary of the number 13 and will avoid having 13 people at a table. Interesting Philippines Facts Entertainment News Comet Swift-Tuttle takes about 133 years to orbit the Sun and has been shedding debris for thousands of years since it was first captured in its present orbit. The majority of meteoroids are composed of heavier metals like nickel and iron as well as silicate minerals (those primarily composed of silicon and oxygen like quartz). National Geographic The Philippines was the first country in Southeast Asia to gain independence after. hemipheres (50 yrs. General elections are held, and Benigno Aquino III, the son of Corazon Aquino, is elected president. Mercurys craters are named after famous artists, musicians and authors. Other than solar storms, auroras on Jupiter are also caused by its moon Io. Clumps begin to form, and they get hotter and hotter as they gain more mass. Information Processing in Single Neurons, New York: Oxford Univ. It got its name from the Roman goddess of love and beauty, whose Greek counterpart is Aphrodite. There are 9,096 stars visible to the naked eye in the entire sky. A state of emergency is announced in response to coup rumors. Lonely Planet Philippines. WebTotal surface area of the cerebral cortex = 2,500 cm 2 (2.5 ft 2; A. Peters, and E.G. With a minimum temperature of -224C (-321F), it has the coldest planetary atmosphere in the solar system. It lies at an average distance of about 58 million kilometers (36 million miles). Philadelphia: Saunders, 1980). Choose Another way they can form is from comets that deposit meteoroids as they fly through space. Total volume of cerebrospinal fluid (infant) = 50 ml (Aghababian, R., Essentials of Emergency WebFood news on San Francisco restaurants, recipes, cooking, chefs, cocktails and bars SFGate Marcos calls for snap presidential elections and he is deposed. Dominican friars establish the University of Santo Tomas in Manila. Astronomers suspect it could be in the next million years, which is fairly soon in cosmic time. 1965. A study in quantitative Announcements. Sunsets on Mars are blue. 2. https://www.loc.gov/everyday-mysteries/item/why-is-pluto-no-longer-a-planet/ With billions of galaxies and stars, and planets in our own solar system yet to be fully explored or understood, scientists' knowledge of space is always evolving. BBC News. Read more The meteoroids may then be on a collision trajectory with the Moon or a planet. Derived from 3200 Phaethon, a probable "rock comet" or asteroid, the Gemini constellation is this meteor shower's radiant. Geminids are one of the best and most consistent yearly meteor showers. Orions brightest star is called Rigel, and it is the 7th brightest star in the sky. Venus is thought to be made up of a central iron core, rocky mantle and silicate crust. 1Altman, Lawrence K, MD. Diameter of neuron = 4 micron (granule cell) to 100 micron (motor It extends more than 280,000 km (173, 983 mi) from the giant planet. There are 9,096 stars visible to the naked eye in the entire sky. Population Clock Planets are among the many worlds and smaller objects that orbit the Sun. There are also eight orbiters studying it from above. Weight of rat spinal cord (400 g body weight) = 0.7 g Slow axoplasmic transport rate = 0.2-4 mm/day (actin, tubulin) North County WebFacts about Mars. Diameter of neuron nucleus = 3 to 18 micron UY Scuti is a variable star, which means that its brightness varies over time. TOP 10 MOST POPULOUS COUNTRIES (July 1, 2022) Rank. and Nicholson, C. Mink, J.W., Blumenschine, R.J. and Adams, D.B. These planets are found in the outer solar system. Like Mercury, Venus and Mars, it is rocky at the surface. 59 Interesting Facts About Mars WebA Microsoft 365 subscription includes premium Outlook features like an ad-free interface, enhanced security, the full desktop version of Office apps, and 1 TB of cloud storage. year) (Pakkenberg et al., 1997; 2003) 3. ; Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. WebAerocity Escorts @9831443300 provides the best Escort Service in Aerocity. Facts has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit. Neptunes Triton is the only large natural satellite that moves in the opposite direction as the planet. 1997; 2003) WebStatistics Explained, your guide to European statistics. The "dirty snowball" of the comet's nucleus releases gas and dust as it gets closer to the Sun. A Tribute to Filipino Nurses All over the World. Asian Journal. Mars Facts Well, it is challenging to put a probability on the likelihood of getting hit by a space rock because the occurrences of these events are so few. It has sufficient mass to assume hydrostatic equilibrium (a nearly round shape). 6Edwards, Jay. Stars may live longer than humans do ranging from tens of millions to billions of years but eventually, they, too, come to the ends of their lives. They are named: Phobos and Deimos. Phobos is predicted to crash into Mars around 50 million years from now. WebFacts About Stars. According to NASA, they can be either red, green, or yellow. Every day, 35 million Filipinos send about 450 million SMS messages. Total surface area of the cerebral cortex (cat) = 83 cm2 (Pakkenberg et al., 1997; 2003) The most active typhoon season for the Philippines was 1993, when 19 moved through the country. Interesting Facts per micron2 (from Nolte, J., The Human Astronomers further classify stars by such characteristics as their rotation rates, and metallicity (how many elements heavier than hydrogen and helium they contain). Emilio Aguinaldo is inaugurated as the first president of the Philippines. Mars has two small moons, Phobos and Deimos. Together, the articles make up an encyclopedia of European statistics for everyone, completed by a statistical glossary clarifying all terms used and by numerous links to further information Austronesians reach the islands on outrigger canoes. [1990] has the record belonging to Robert McDonald who spent While this sounds dramatic, it is not actually something to worry about. Length of cat spinal cord = 34 cm Brain Facts The planet moves around the sun Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan reaches Cebu Island and lands at Samar. Astronomers theorize that the widest a star can be is just under 2,000 solar radii. The Giant Lanterns of San Fernando, Asias Christmas Capital. CNN. A meteoroid that survives its trip through the atmosphere and hits the ground is called a meteorite. A day there is only 16 hours long but a year takes 165 Earth years. A Filipino named Roberto del Rosario patented the first working karaoke machine in 1975, calling it the Sing Along System. The Japanese later translated its name to karaoke, which means singing without accompaniment.. Data from automated weather stations and sporadic data from the relevant U.S. government agencies are collected using this process from time to time. Stars are born in batches in their stellar nurseries. The meteor shower produces around 15 to 70 meteors per hour, each traveling at a velocity of around 41 miles per second (66 kilometers per second). January 22, 2014. It was not massive enough to fuse hydrogen and helium to produce energy. The object has not cleared the neighborhood around its orbit. Cerebral blood flow = 55 to 60 ml/100 g brain tissue/min WebFun Facts About Mars. Facts We used to have nine planets but Pluto was reclassified as a dwarf planet in August 2006. Just days later, its largest moon, Triton, was also discovered. The Philippines is the worlds largest supplier of nurses, supplying roughly 25% of all overseas nurses worldwide. Cross sectional area of the spinal cord (C5 level) = 78 Venus is nearly as big as the Earth with a diameter of 12,104 km. Yet others are formed when rocks splinter off of the Moon and Mars after celestial bodiesoften asteroids or other meteoroidsimpact their surfaces. WebFacts about the Planets. This practice is often referred to as meteor scatter or burst communications. Eighty percent of its population identifies as Roman Catholic. Martian surface gravity is only 37% of the Earths (meaning you could leap nearly three times higher on Mars). [2] NBC News It has a value of over US$40 million. Interesting Facts The Perseid meteor shower is linked to the martyrdom of St. Lawrence (an early church deacon who passed away in 258 AD). The third star is called Alpha Centauri C, or more commonly as Proxima Centauri. Stars with masses similar to the Sun die much differently from stars that have 7 or more solar masses. Maureen Weston. Neptune is the eighth planet and the farthest from the Sun. pH of cerebrospinal fluid = 7.33 (from Kandel et al., 2000, p. 1296) Because of the planet's distance from the Sun and slower velocity, meteor showers on Mars, if you could watch them, would be less brilliant than on Earth. Brain, 1998, p. 6). One way to express a stars size is by its diameter, which is usually written in terms of the radius of the Sun. hemipheres (100 yrs. Ratio of central and Pradiso, M.A., Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain, 2nd Space weathering includes processes such as impacts with meteoroids and asteroids, which leave craters and eject more meteoroids and space dust into the solar system. Since it has the same composition as the Sun, Jupiter is sometimes considered a failed star. The antibiotic erythromycin was invented by Filipino Dr. Abelardo Aguilar in 1949. She apparently spent 449 hours [18 days, 17 hours] awake Jones, Cerebral Cortex, 1984) . 9Lloyd, John, John Mitchinson, and James Harkin. Get up to the minute entertainment news, celebrity interviews, celeb videos, photos, movies, TV, music news and pop culture on ABCNews.com. Like Mercury, Venus and Mars, it is rocky at the surface. Pluto is no longer considered a planet under the IAU definition. It is in a 3:2 orbital resonance with Pluto. old) = 1.3 (Miller, A.K., Alston, He calculated that in 2007, the likelihood of dying from an impact with a meteorite, asteroid, or comet at between 1 in 75,000 and 1 in 250,000. It is 12,104 km (7,521 mi) across, about the same size as Earth. WebCREATE A FOLLOWING Tribune Content Agency builds audience Our content engages millions of readers in 75 countries every day Called "Whipple Bumper Shields," this armor consists of layers of material that are separated by gaps. Resting potential of squid giant axon = -70 mV The Philippines is the worlds second biggest geothermal producer after the United States with 18% of the countrys electricity needs being met by geothermal power. Let's find out more about these incredible celestial events. Accessed January 26, 2014. The Planets. Named after the Roman god of war, Mars is also often described as the Red Planet due to its reddish appearance. Iditarod All rights reserved. The Philippines is the only country in the world whose flag is hoisted upside down when the country is at war. When the temperature inside such a young stellar object reaches 10 million degrees Celsius, a process called nuclear fusion ignites, and a star is born. 3rd edition, Dubuque: Wm.C. China: 1,410,539,758: 6. Number of Purkinje cells = 15-26 million It has sufficient mass to assume a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape. Mars is tilted by 25 so it experiences different seasons as well. Typical number of sodium pumps = 1000 pumps/micron2 of membrane They soon realized that it was much smaller than they had previously believed. Uranus has a diameter of about 51,118 km (31,763 km). 13Prado, Megan and Colin Shepherd. Williams and K. Herrup, Ann. The first was NASAs Mariner 10 which performed three flybys on the planet. Scientists have divided meteorites into three main types: stony, iron, and stony-iron, and each of these has many sub-groups. Subscribe for free via iTunes and other podcast platforms These are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Sunsets on Mars are blue. 2. Most of the meteorites found on Earth are stony. The tilt of this rotational axis (23) is the reason why we experience different seasons in a year. Next up is the meteor shower called Lyrids. Maximal circumference of cervical enlargement = 38 mm ; Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. Population Clock Interesting Facts However, none of these planets has ever been found. No one is quite sure how long R136a1 will last and what it will do when it dies. al., J. Neurosci Methods, 31:93-100, 1990) WebTotal surface area of the cerebral cortex = 2,500 cm 2 (2.5 ft 2; A. Peters, and E.G. Learn about its abundant diversity, colorful history, and much more. These magnificent streaks of light, sometimes known as meteors, have mesmerized people for millennia, especially when they come in flaming bursts during sky displays known as meteor showers. Stony-iron meteorites have nearly equal amounts of silicate minerals and metals, while iron meteorites are mostly made of iron and nickel. To see more, you have to use a telescope to reveal stars fainter than your eyes can see. It was named after the Roman god of agriculture, whose Greek counterpart is Cronus. The Planets 2010 - 2022 | Privacy Policy & Affiliate Disclaimer, Copyright 2022 ThePlanets.org | Sitemap, Discovered through mathematical calculations. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company, Inc. 11Most Women Breastfeeding. Guinness World Records. Auditory Pain Threshold = 130 db The ideal time to watch the Leonids is around midnight local time. ; Jupiter has more than double the mass of all the other planets It has a value of over US$40 million. Rizal founds La Liga Filipina. In April, the Philippines Supreme Court approves a birth control law. Venus does not have any moons or rings. Mars is about 1.9 times smaller than Earth. They are visible mainly from the Southern Hemisphere and the most southerly parts of the Northern Hemisphere. Stewart, Suzy. These objects burn up once they enter our atmosphere, which results in meteor showers or falling stars.. Length of myelinated nerve fibers in brain = 150,000-180,000 km Life on this planet is impossible. 38:95-99, 2003 and Pakkenberg, B. and Gundersen, H.J.G. Statistics Explained is an official Eurostat website presenting statistical topics in an easily understandable way. 1.3-1.8 mm (S.H. However, they were short-lived because of the blazing heat. When that runs out, then the star fuses helium, and then carbon. Press Release. 1997; 2003) mm2 Neurol., 513: 532-541, 2009.) size of four soccer fields (Bear, M.F., Cerebral blood flow (gray matter) = 75 ml/100 g brain tissue/min NBC News When you look at a star (or any object in space) you are seeing how it looked in the past. Saturn is the least dense planet in the entire solar system. Made from, The Aswang, a mythical female vampire-like figure in Filipino folklore who eats unborn children, has been the subject of at least one American horror film and was featured in an episode of the CW television hit, The Filipino national dish may very well be the. Sirius was used by ancient people as a way to mark the change of seasons and as a navigational aid for long sea voyages. The density of the atmosphere on Mars is less than 1% that of the atmosphere at sea level on Earth. Even though Neptune is the farthest planet from our Sun, it's a frequent stop in pop culture and fiction. They were discovered in 1877 by astronomer Asaph Hall, who named them for the Latin terms fear and panic. War journalist Carlos Pea Rmulo was the first Asian/Filipino to win the American Pulitzer Prize for Correspondence in 1942. 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